Source code for shennong.utterances

"""Provides the :class:`Uttterance` and :class:`Utterances` classes

An utterance correspond to a sentence, or a speech segment, that is processed
individually by an extraction pipeline. An utterance is defined by one of the
following format:

* 2-uple: ``<utterance-id> <audio-file>``
* 3-uple: ``<utterance-id> <audio-file> <speaker-id>``
* 4-uple: ``<utterance-id> <audio-file> <tstart> <tstop>``
* 5-uple: ``<utterance-id> <audio-file> <speaker-id> <tstart> <tstop>``

.. note::

   Most of ``shennong`` components (processors and post processors) work
   directly on individual audio files. Utterances are used when training a
   :class:`~shennong.processor.vtln.VtlnProcessor` or extracting features from
   a :mod:`shennong.pipeline`.


import collections
import os
import random
import warnings

from shennong import Audio

    1: '<utterance-id> <audio-file>',
    2: '<utterance-id> <audio-file> <speaker-id>',
    3: '<utterance-id> <audio-file> <tstart> <tstop>',
    4: '<utterance-id> <audio-file> <speaker-id> <tstart> <tstop>'}
"""The valid formats for an utterance, as detailed above"""

[docs]class Utterance: """Manage a single utterance The class :class:`Utterance` manages individual utterances and basically give access to their components: name, speaker, corresponding audio segment. The utterance must be defined by one of the formats defined above. Parameters ---------- *args: The arguments must be 2, 3, 4 or 5. The number of arguments defines the utterance format and the signification of each positional argument (see :data:`VALID_FORMATS`) Raises ------ ValueError If the arguments are not 2, 3, 4 or 5, or if the utterance cannot be created from them (for instance the audio file is not readable) """ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 5: raise ValueError(f'invalid utterance format: {args}') # read the utterances from input fields self._format = len(args) - 1 self._name = args[0] self._audio = args[1] self._speaker = None self._tstart = None self._tstop = None if len(args) == 3: self._speaker = args[2] elif len(args) == 4: self._tstart = args[2] self._tstop = args[3] elif len(args) == 5: self._speaker = args[2] self._tstart = args[3] self._tstop = args[4] # cast tstart and tstop as float if self._tstart is not None: try: self._tstart = float(self._tstart) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'cannot cast tstart as float: {self._tstart}') from None if self._tstop is not None: try: self._tstop = float(self._tstop) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'cannot cast tstop as float: {self._tstop}') from None # ensures tstart and tstop are valid if ( (self._tstart is None and self._tstop is not None) or (self._tstop is None and self._tstart is not None) ): raise ValueError('both tstart and tstop must be defined or None') if ( self._tstart is not None and (self._tstart < 0 or self._tstart >= self._tstop) ): raise ValueError( 'we must have 0 <= tstart < tstop, but ' f'(tstart, tstop)=({self._tstart}, {self._tstop})') # compute the utterance duration, warns if tstop if beyond audio # boundaries. Scanning the audio file raises if the file is not found # nor valid. self._duration = Audio.scan(self._audio).duration if self._tstart is not None: if self._tstop > self._duration: warnings.warn( f'{self._audio}: file duration is {self._duration} but ' f'asking interval ({self._tstart}, {self._tstop}), ' f'will be truncated') self._tstop = self._duration self._duration = self._tstop - self._tstart def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) @property def format(self): """The utterance format code""" return self._format @property def name(self): """The utterance name, or <utterance-id>""" return self._name @property def audio_file(self): """The audio file attached to the utterance""" return self._audio @property def speaker(self): """The utterance speaker, or None if no speaker information""" return self._speaker @property def tstart(self): """The utterance onset time in the audio file, or None""" return self._tstart @property def tstop(self): """The utterance offset time in the audio file, or None""" return self._tstop @property def duration(self): """The utterance duration in seconds""" return self._duration def __str__(self): if self._format == 1: return f'{} {self.audio_file}' if self._format == 2: return f'{} {self.audio_file} {self.speaker}' if self._format == 3: return f'{} {self.audio_file} {self.tstart} {self.tstop}' # format == 4 return ( f'{} {self.audio_file} {self.speaker} ' f'{self.tstart} {self.tstop}')
[docs] def load_audio(self): """Returns the utterance's :class:`` data""" data = Audio.load(self._audio) if self.tstart or self.tstop: data = data.segment([(self.tstart, self.tstop)])[0] return data
[docs]class Utterances: """Manages a collection of :class:`Utterance`. The :class:`Utterances` manages a collection of utterances and allows to iterate over the utterances by name or by speaker, as well as generating sub-utterances fit to a particular duration. The following conditions apply: * All utterances in the collection must have the same format * All utterances must have a unique name Parameters ---------- utterances : list of :class:`Utterance` or list of tuples The utterances to be stored Raises ------ ValueError If the utterances cannot be created because of the above conditions, or because one of the utterances if not valid """ def __init__(self, utterances): # build it as a list of Utterance utterances = self._parse(utterances) if not utterances: raise ValueError('empty input utterances') # parse the utterances format self._format = set(utt.format for utt in utterances) if not len(self._format) == 1: raise ValueError('utterances format is not homogeneous') self._format = list(self._format)[0] # ensure utterances have unique names duplicates = [u for u, c in collections.Counter( for u in utterances).items() if c > 1] if duplicates: raise ValueError( f'duplicates found in utterances: {", ".join(duplicates)}') # sort the utterances by audio, this is a minor # optimization to use the cache system of Audio.load(), ie this avoids # to reload several times the same wav when using tstart/tstop # segments. utterances = sorted(utterances, key=lambda u: (u.audio_file, # build the utterances collection indexed by name self._utterances = { u for u in utterances} @staticmethod def _parse(utterances): parsed = [] for utt in utterances: if not isinstance(utt, Utterance): try: utt = Utterance(*utt) except TypeError: raise ValueError( f'utterance must be an iterable, not {utt}') from None parsed.append(utt) return parsed def __len__(self): return len(self._utterances) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._utterances.values()) def __getitem__(self, name): return self._utterances[name] def __eq__(self, other): return self._utterances == other._utterances
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """Returns utterances loaded from a file All the lines in the must conform to the same utterance format. Parameters ---------- filename : str The file to load Raises ------ ValueError If the ``filename`` is not found, if all the utterances do not have the same format, if all the <utterance-id> are not unique or if some defined utterances are not valid (audio file not found for instance). """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError(f'{filename} not found') lines = (line.strip() for line in open(filename, 'r')) utterances = [line.split(' ') for line in lines if line] return cls(utterances)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Writes the utterances to file Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename to write """ open(filename, 'w').write('\n'.join(str(utt) for utt in self) + '\n')
[docs] def format(self, type=int): """Returns the utterances format Parameters ---------- type : optional, int or str When int return the format code, when str returns it's string representation Raises ------ ValueError If ``type`` is not int or str """ return VALID_FORMATS[self._format] if type is str else self._format
[docs] def has_speakers(self): """Returns True if there is speaker information, False otherwise""" return self.format(type=int) in (2, 4)
[docs] def by_speaker(self): """Returns a dictionary of utterances indexed by speaker The returned dictionary has speakers as keys and list of :class:`Utterance` as values. Raises ------ ValueError If there is no speaker information """ if not self.has_speakers(): raise ValueError('utterances have no speaker information') by_speaker = collections.defaultdict(list) for utt in self: by_speaker[utt.speaker].append(utt) return by_speaker
[docs] def by_name(self): """Returns a dictonary of utterances indexed by name The returned dictionary has utterance names as keys and :class:`Utterance` instances as values. """ return self._utterances
[docs] def duration(self): """Returns the total duration of the utterances in seconds""" return sum(utt.duration for utt in self)
[docs] def fit_to_duration(self, duration, truncate=False, shuffle=False): """Returns a subset of utterances, keeping ``duration`` sec per speaker Parameters ---------- duration : float The duration to keep per speaker, in seconds truncate : bool, optional When True, truncate the the total duration to the one available if there is not enough data. When False, raise an error if the duration cannot be returned for a speaker. Default to False. shuffle : bool, optional When True, shuffle the utterances before extracting segments. When False, take them in order. Default to False. Returns ------- utterances : :class:`Utterances` The utterances segments fitting the given ``duration`` for each speaker Raises ------ ValueError If the utterances are not defined by speakers. When ``duration`` is not strictly positive or, when ``truncate`` is True, if a speaker has not enough data to build segments. """ if duration <= 0: raise ValueError( f'duration must be a positive number, it is {duration}') segments = [] for speaker, utterances in self.by_speaker().items(): if shuffle: random.shuffle(utterances) remaining_duration = duration for utt in utterances: tstart = 0 if utt.tstart is None else utt.tstart tstop = utt.duration-tstart if utt.tstop is None else utt.tstop if utt.duration >= remaining_duration: segments.append(Utterance(, utt.audio_file, utt.speaker, tstart, tstart + remaining_duration)) remaining_duration = 0 break segments.append(Utterance(, utt.audio_file, utt.speaker, tstart, tstop)) remaining_duration -= utt.duration if remaining_duration > 0: message = ( f'speaker {speaker}: only {duration - remaining_duration}s' f' of audio available but {duration}s requested') if truncate: warnings.warn(message) else: raise ValueError(message) return Utterances(segments)