

Shennong is developed for Python3 and is not compatible with Python2.

Installation on Linux

Installation from conda

This is the recommended installation procedure, compatible with python 3.6 and 3.7.

  • Install conda on your machine,

  • Install shennong from its conda package:

    conda install -c coml -c conda-forge shennong

Installation from sources

  • Install conda on your machine,

  • Cloned the shennong repository and move at its root directory:

    git clone
    cd ./shennong
  • Install shennong in a new virtual environment:

    conda env create --name shennong -f environment.yml
    conda activate shennong
    make install
    make test
  • Or, if you need to work in an existing environment, add shennong in it:

    conda env update --name $MYENV -f environment.yml
    conda activate $MYENV
    make install
    make test
  • To upgrade your installation to the latest version available use:

    git pull origin master
    conda env update --name shennong -f environment.yml
    make install
    make test


To use shennong, do not forget to activate the virtual environment:

conda activate shennong

Installation on MacOS

As pykaldi does not provide a conda image for macos, you must install from sources.

  • Install conda and brew on your machine,

  • Cloned the shennong repository and move at its root directory:

    git clone
    cd ./shennong
  • Install pykaldi and shennong in a virtual environment:

    # install shennong dependencies (all excepted pykaldi)
    sed '/pykaldi/d' environment.yml > environment.macos.yml
    conda env create --name shennong -f environment.macos.yml
    conda activate shennong
    # install the shennong fork of pykaldi
    # (see
    git clone ./pykaldi
    cd pykaldi
    brew install automake cmake git graphviz libtool pkg-config wget
    pip install --upgrade pip setuptools numpy pyparsing ninja
    cd tools
    cd ..
    python install
    cd ..
    # install shennong
    make install
    make test

Installation on Windows

  • As pykaldi is not supported on Windows we do not provide installation instructions.

  • Windows users can instead install shennong in a Windows subsystem for Linux or within a docker container as documented below.

Installation on Docker

You can use shennong from within docker using the provided Dockerfile.

  • Build the docker image with:

    [sudo] docker build -t shennong .
  • Run an interactive session with:

    [sudo] docker run -it shennong /bin/bash
  • Or you can open a jupyter notebook as follow:

    [sudo] docker run -p 9000:9000 shennong \
        jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip= --port=9000 --allow-root

    Then open http://localhost:9000 in your usual web browser.

Look for more advanced usage on the official Docker documentation.

Build the documentation

To build the documentation under the doc/build folder, follow those steps.

  • Install the required dependencies:

    sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra dvipng
  • Build the docs:

    make doc
  • The documentation is now available at doc/build/html/index.html