Source code for

"""Extraction of energy from audio signals

    :class:`` --> EnergyProcessor
    --> :class:`~shennong.features.Features`

Computes the energy on window frames extracted from an audio
signal. This algorithm is identical to the first coefficient of
:class:`~shennong.processor.mfcc.MfccProcessor` or


>>> from import Audio
>>> from import EnergyProcessor
>>> audio = Audio.load('./test/data/test.wav')

Computes energy on the audio signal:

>>> proc = EnergyProcessor(sample_rate=audio.sample_rate)
>>> energy1 = proc.process(audio)
>>> energy1.shape
(140, 1)

By default the energy is log-compressed, you can desactivate
compression available options for compression are 'log', 'sqrt' and

>>> proc.compression = 'off'
>>> energy2 = proc.process(audio)
>>> np.allclose(np.log(,, rtol=1)

The two energies above are not strictly identical because of

You can also fix the framing and windowing parameters:

>>> proc.frame_shift = 0.02
>>> proc.frame_length = 0.05
>>> proc.window_type = 'hanning'
>>> energy3 = proc.process(audio)
>>> energy3.shape
(69, 1)


import numpy as np
import kaldi.feat.window
import kaldi.matrix

from shennong import Features
from shennong.processor.base import FramesProcessor

[docs]class EnergyProcessor(FramesProcessor): def __init__(self, sample_rate=16000, frame_shift=0.01, frame_length=0.025, dither=1.0, preemph_coeff=0.97, remove_dc_offset=True, window_type='povey', round_to_power_of_two=True, blackman_coeff=0.42, snip_edges=True, raw_energy=True, compression='log'): # init of FramesProcessor parent super().__init__( sample_rate=sample_rate, frame_shift=frame_shift, frame_length=frame_length, dither=dither, preemph_coeff=preemph_coeff, remove_dc_offset=remove_dc_offset, window_type=window_type, round_to_power_of_two=round_to_power_of_two, blackman_coeff=blackman_coeff, snip_edges=snip_edges) self._compression_fun = { 'off': lambda x: x, 'log': np.log, 'sqrt': np.sqrt} self.compression = compression self.raw_energy = raw_energy @property def name(self): return 'energy' @property def ndims(self): return 1 @property def compression(self): """Type of energy compression Must be 'off' (disable compression), 'log' (natural logarithm) or 'sqrt' (squared root). """ return self._compression @compression.setter def compression(self, value): if value not in self._compression_fun.keys(): raise ValueError( 'compression must be in {}, it is {}'.format( ', '.join(self._compression_fun.keys()), value)) self._compression = value @property def raw_energy(self): """If true, compute energy before preemphasis and windowing""" return self._raw_energy @raw_energy.setter def raw_energy(self, value): self._raw_energy = value
[docs] def process(self, signal): """Computes energy on the input `signal` Parameters ---------- signal : :class:`` Returns ------- energy : :class:`~shennong.features.Features` The computed - and compressed - energy Raises ------ ValueError If the input `signal` has more than one channel (i.e. is not mono). If `sample_rate` != `signal.sample_rate`. """ # ensure the signal is correct if signal.nchannels != 1: raise ValueError( 'signal must have one dimension, but it has {}' .format(signal.nchannels)) if self.sample_rate != signal.sample_rate: raise ValueError( 'processor and signal mismatch in sample rates: ' '{} != {}'.format(self.sample_rate, signal.sample_rate)) if self.raw_energy: old_conf = self.get_params() self.preemph_coeff = 0 self.window_type = 'rectangular' # number of frames in the framed signal nframes = kaldi.feat.window.num_frames( signal.nsamples, self._frame_options, flush=True) # a kaldi view of the numpy signal signal = kaldi.matrix.SubVector( # windowing function to compute frames window = kaldi.feat.window.FeatureWindowFunction.from_options( self._frame_options) # compression function to compress energy compression = self._compression_fun[self._compression] # pre-allocate the resulting energy energy = np.zeros((nframes, 1)) # pre-allocate a buffer for the frames, extract the frames and # compute the energy on them out_frame = kaldi.matrix.Vector(self._frame_options.window_size()) for frame in range(nframes): kaldi.feat.window.extract_window( 0, signal, frame, self._frame_options, window, out_frame) # square the signal, force float64 to avoid overflow square = np.square(out_frame.numpy(), dtype=np.float64) # avoid doing log on 0 (should be avoided already by # dithering, but who knows...) energy[frame] = compression( max(square.sum(), np.finfo(np.float64).tiny)) if self.raw_energy: self.set_params(**old_conf) return Features(energy, self.times(nframes), self.get_properties())