Source code for shennong.processor.bottleneck

#                                                                             #
#  copyright (C) 2017 by Anna Silnova, Pavel Matejka, Oldrich Plchot,         #
#                        Frantisek Grezl                                      #
#                                                                             #
#                        Brno Universioty of Technology                       #
#                        Faculty of information technology                    #
#                        Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia       #
#  email: {isilnova,matejkap,iplchot,grezl}                            #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
#  This software and provided models can be used freely for research          #
#  and educational purposes. For any other use, please contact BUT            #
#  and / or LDC representatives.                                              #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");             #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.            #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                     #
#                                                                             #
#                              #
#                                                                             #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software         #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,           #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.    #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and         #
# limitations under the License.                                              #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Adaptation for shennong made under GPL3 licence by Mathieu Bernard          #
# <>. Original code available at                    #
#     #
# Updated code (git repo, python3 compatibility, improvements) available at   #
#         #
#                                                                             #
"""Extraction of bottleneck features from a speech signal

    :class:`` ---> BottleneckProcessor \
    ---> :class:`~shennong.features.Features`

This module provides the class
which computes stacked bottleneck features from audio signals (see
[Silnova2018]_ and [Fer2017]_). This is an adpatation of the original
code released on [bottleneck-site]_. Features are extracted from one
of the three provided pre-trained neural networks:

* *FisherMono*: Trained on Fisher English (parts 1 and 2 datasets,
  about 2000 hours of clean telephone speech) with 120 phoneme states
  as output classes (40 phonemes, 3 state for each phoneme).

* *FisherTri*: Trained on the same datasets as *FisherMono*, with 2423
  triphones as output classes.

* *BabelMulti*: Trained on 17 languages from the IARPA
  [BABEL-project]_, with 3096 output classes (3 phoneme states per
  each language stacked together).


Compute bottleneck features on some speech using the multilingual
network (*BabelMulti*):

>>> from import Audio
>>> from shennong.processor.bottleneck import BottleneckProcessor
>>> audio = Audio.load('./test/data/test.wav')
>>> processor = BottleneckProcessor(weights='BabelMulti')
>>> features = processor.process(audio)
>>> features.shape
(140, 80)


.. [bottleneck-site]

.. [BABEL-project]

.. [Silnova2018] Anna Silnova, Pavel Matejka, Ondrej Glembek, Oldrich
     Plchot, Ondrej Novotny, Frantisek Grezl, Petr Schwarz, Lukas
     Burget, Jan “Honza” Cernocky, "BUT/Phonexia Bottleneck Feature
     Extractor", Submitted to Odyssey: The Speaker and Language
     Recognition Workshop 2018

.. [Fer2017] Fér Radek, Matějka Pavel, Grézl František, Plchot
     Oldřich, Veselý Karel and Černocký Jan. Multilingually Trained
     Bottleneck Features in Spoken Language Recognition. Computer
     Speech and Language. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2017,
     vol. 2017, no. 46, pp. 252-267.


import os
import warnings
import pkg_resources

import numpy as np

from shennong import Features
from shennong.processor.base import FeaturesProcessor
from shennong.logger import get_logger

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    # scipy issues a harmless warning on import
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
    import scipy.linalg as spl
    import scipy.fftpack

def _add_dither(signal, level):
    return signal + level * (np.random.rand(*signal.shape) * 2 - 1)

def _mel_inv(x):
    return (np.exp(x/1127.)-1.)*700.

def _mel(x):
    return 1127.*np.log(1. + x/700.)

def _framing(a, window, shift=1):
    shape = (int((a.shape[0] - window) / shift + 1), window) + a.shape[1:]
    strides = (a.strides[0] * shift, a.strides[0]) + a.strides[1:]
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)

def _mel_fbank_mx(winlen_nfft, fs, numchans=20, lofreq=0.0, hifreq=None):
    """Returns mel filterbank as an array shaped (nfft/2+1, numchans)

    winlen_nfft : int
        Typically the window length as used in mfcc_htk() call. It is
        used to determine number of samples for FFT computation
        (NFFT). If positive, the value (window lenght) is rounded up
        to the next higher power of two to obtain HTK-compatible NFFT.
        If negative, NFFT is set to -winlen_nfft. In such case, the
        parameter nfft in mfcc_htk() call should be set likewise.
    fs : int
        sampling frequency (in Hz)
    numchans : int, optional
        number of filter bank bands (default to 20)
    lofreq : float, optional
        frequency (Hz) where the first filter strats (default to 0.0)
    hifreq : float, optional
        frequency (Hz) where the last filter ends (default fs/2)

    if not hifreq:
        hifreq = 0.5 * fs

    nfft = (2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(winlen_nfft)))
            if winlen_nfft > 0 else -int(winlen_nfft))
    fbin_mel = _mel(np.arange(nfft / 2 + 1, dtype=float) * fs / nfft)
    cbin_mel = np.linspace(_mel(lofreq), _mel(hifreq), numchans + 2)
    cind = np.floor(_mel_inv(cbin_mel) / fs * nfft).astype(int) + 1
    mfb = np.zeros((len(fbin_mel), numchans))

    for i in range(numchans):
        mfb[cind[i]:cind[i+1], i] = (
            cbin_mel[i] - fbin_mel[cind[i]:cind[i+1]]) / (
                cbin_mel[i] - cbin_mel[i+1])

        mfb[cind[i+1]:cind[i+2], i] = (
            cbin_mel[i+2] - fbin_mel[cind[i+1]:cind[i+2]]) / (
                cbin_mel[i+2] - cbin_mel[i+1])

        if lofreq > 0.0 and float(lofreq) / fs*nfft+0.5 > cind[0]:
            mfb[cind[0], :] = 0.0  # Just to be HTK compatible

    return mfb

def _fbank_htk(x, window, noverlap, fbank_mx):
    """Mel log Mel-filter bank channel outputs

    Returns numchans-by-M matrix of log Mel-filter bank outputs extracted from
    signal x, where M is the number of extracted frames, which can be computed
    as floor((length(x)-noverlap)/(window-noverlap)).

    x : array
        input signal
    window : int
        frame window lentgth (in samples,
        i.e. window_size/source_rate) or vector of widow weights
    noverlap : int
        overlapping between frames (in samples, i.e window -
    fbank_mx : array
        array with (Mel) filter bank (as returned by function

    if np.isscalar(window):
        window = np.hamming(window)
    nfft = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(window.size)))
    x = _framing(x.astype("float"), window.size, window.size-noverlap).copy()
    x *= window

    # inhibit a FutureWarning
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
        x = np.fft.rfft(x, nfft)

    x = x.real**2 + x.imag**2
    x = np.log(np.maximum(1.0,, fbank_mx)))
    return x

def _uppertri_indices(dim, isdiag=False):
    """ [utr utc]=uppertri_indices(D, isdiag) returns row and column indices
    into upper triangular part of DxD matrices. Indices go in zigzag feshinon
    starting by diagonal. For convenient encoding of diagonal matrices, 1:D
    ranges are returned for both outputs utr and utc when ISDIAG is true.
    if isdiag:
        utr = np.arange(dim)
        utc = np.arange(dim)
        utr = np.hstack([np.arange(ii) for ii in range(dim, 0, -1)])
        utc = np.hstack([np.arange(ii, dim) for ii in range(dim)])
    return utr, utc

def _uppertri_to_sym(covs_ut2d, utr, utc):
    """ covs = uppertri_to_sym(covs_ut2d) reformat vectorized upper triangual
    matrices efficiently stored in columns of 2D matrix into full symmetric
    matrices stored in 3rd dimension of 3D matrix

    (ut_dim, n_mix) = covs_ut2d.shape
    dim = (np.sqrt(1 + 8 * ut_dim) - 1) / 2

    covs_full = np.zeros((dim, dim, n_mix), dtype=covs_ut2d.dtype)
    for ii in range(n_mix):
        covs_full[:, :, ii][(utr, utc)] = covs_ut2d[:, ii]
        covs_full[:, :, ii][(utc, utr)] = covs_ut2d[:, ii]
    return covs_full

def _uppertri1d_from_sym(cov_full, utr, utc):
    return cov_full[(utr, utc)]

def _uppertri1d_to_sym(covs_ut1d, utr, utc):
    return _uppertri_to_sym(np.array(covs_ut1d)[:, None], utr, utc)[:, :, 0]

def _inv_posdef_and_logdet(M):
    U = np.linalg.cholesky(M)
    logdet = 2*np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(U)))
    invM = spl.solve(M, np.identity(M.shape[0], M.dtype), sym_pos=True)
    return invM, logdet

def _gmm_eval_prep(weights, means, covs):
    n_mix, dim = means.shape
    GMM = dict()
    is_full_cov = covs.shape[1] != dim
    GMM['utr'], GMM['utc'] = _uppertri_indices(dim, not is_full_cov)

    if is_full_cov:
        GMM['gconsts'] = np.zeros(n_mix)
        GMM['gconsts2'] = np.zeros(n_mix)
        GMM['invCovs'] = np.zeros_like(covs)
        GMM['invCovMeans'] = np.zeros_like(means)

        for ii in range(n_mix):
            _uppertri1d_to_sym(covs[ii], GMM['utr'], GMM['utc'])

            invC, logdetC = _inv_posdef_and_logdet(
                _uppertri1d_to_sym(covs[ii], GMM['utr'], GMM['utc']))

            # log of Gauss. dist. normalizer + log weight + mu' invCovs mu
            invCovMean =[ii])
            GMM['gconsts'][ii] = np.log(weights[ii]) - 0.5 * (
                logdetC + means[ii].dot(invCovMean) + dim * np.log(2.0*np.pi))
            GMM['gconsts2'][ii] = - 0.5 * (
                logdetC + means[ii].dot(invCovMean) + dim * np.log(2.0*np.pi))
            GMM['invCovMeans'][ii] = invCovMean

            # Inverse covariance matrices are stored in columns of 2D
            # matrix as vectorized upper triangual parts ...
            GMM['invCovs'][ii] = _uppertri1d_from_sym(
                invC, GMM['utr'], GMM['utc'])

        # ... with elements above the diagonal multiply by 2
        GMM['invCovs'][:, dim:] *= 2.0
    else:  # for diagonal
        GMM['invCovs'] = 1 / covs
        GMM['gconsts'] = np.log(weights) - 0.5 * (
            np.sum(np.log(covs) + means**2 * GMM['invCovs'],
                   axis=1) + dim * np.log(2 * np.pi))
        GMM['gconsts2'] = -0.5 * (
            np.sum(np.log(covs) + means**2 * GMM['invCovs'],
                   axis=1) + dim * np.log(2 * np.pi))
        GMM['invCovMeans'] = GMM['invCovs'] * means

    # for weight = 0, prepare GMM for uninitialized model with single
    # gaussian
    if len(weights) == 1 and weights[0] == 0:
        GMM['invCovs'] = np.zeros_like(GMM['invCovs'])
        GMM['invCovMeans'] = np.zeros_like(GMM['invCovMeans'])
        GMM['gconsts'] = np.ones(1)
    return GMM

def _gmm_llhs(data, GMM):
    """llh = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM) returns vector of log-likelihoods evaluated
    for each frame of dimXn_samples data matrix using GMM object. GMM
    object must be initialized with GMM_EVAL_PREP function.

    [llh N F] = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM,1) also returns accumulators with zero,
    first order statistic.

    [llh N F S] = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM,2) also returns accumulators with
    second order statistic.  For full covariance model second order
    statiscics, only the vectorized upper triangual parts are stored
    in columns of 2D matrix (similarly to GMM.invCovs).

    # quadratic expansion of data
    data_sqr = data[:, GMM['utr']] * data[:, GMM['utc']]

    # computate of log-likelihoods for each frame and all Gaussian
    # components
    gamma = -0.5 *['invCovs'].T) +
        GMM['invCovMeans'].T) + GMM['gconsts']

    return gamma

def _gmm_eval(data, GMM, return_accums=0):
    """llh = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM) returns vector of log-likelihoods evaluated
    for each frame of dimXn_samples data matrix using GMM object. GMM
    object must be initialized with GMM_EVAL_PREP function.

    [llh N F] = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM,1) also returns accumulators with zero,
    first order statistic.

    [llh N F S] = GMM_EVAL(d,GMM,2) also returns accumulators with
    second order statistic.  For full covariance model second order
    statiscics, only the vectorized upper triangual parts are stored
    in columns of 2D matrix (similarly to GMM.invCovs).

    # quadratic expansion of data
    data_sqr = data[:, GMM['utr']] * data[:, GMM['utc']]

    # computate of log-likelihoods for each frame and all Gaussian components
    gamma = -0.5 *['invCovs'].T) +
        GMM['invCovMeans'].T) + GMM['gconsts']
    llh = _logsumexp(gamma, axis=1)

    if return_accums == 0:
        return llh

    gamma = np.exp(gamma.T - llh)
    N = gamma.sum(axis=1)
    F =

    if return_accums == 1:
        return llh, N, F

    S =
    return llh, N, F, S

def _logsumexp(x, axis=0):
    xmax = x.max(axis)
    ex = np.exp(x - np.expand_dims(xmax, axis))
    x = xmax + np.lib.scimath.log(np.sum(ex, axis))
    not_finite = ~np.isfinite(xmax)
    x[not_finite] = xmax[not_finite]
    return x

def _gmm_update(N, F, S):
    """weights means covs = gmm_update(N,F,S) return GMM parameters,
    which are updated from accumulators

    dim = F.shape[1]
    is_diag_cov = S.shape[1] == dim
    utr, utc = _uppertri_indices(dim, is_diag_cov)
    sumN = N.sum()
    weights = N / sumN
    means = F / N[:, np.newaxis]
    covs = S / N[:, np.newaxis] - means[:, utr] * means[:, utc]
    return weights, means, covs

def _compute_vad(s, log, win_length=200, win_overlap=120,
                 n_realignment=5, threshold=0.3, bugfix=False):

    # power signal for energy computation
    if bugfix is False:
        s = s ** 2  # yields to negative squares because s are int16
        s = s.astype(np.float64) ** 2

    # frame signal with overlap
    F = _framing(s, win_length, win_length - win_overlap)
    # sum frames to get energy
    E = F.sum(axis=1).astype(np.float64)
    # E = np.sqrt(E)
    # E = np.log(E)

    # normalize the energy
        E -= E.mean()
        E /= E.std()
        # initialization
        mm = np.array((-1.00, 0.00, 1.00))[:, np.newaxis]
        ee = np.array((1.00, 1.00, 1.00))[:, np.newaxis]
        ww = np.array((0.33, 0.33, 0.33))

        GMM = _gmm_eval_prep(ww, mm, ee)

        E = E[:, np.newaxis]

        for i in range(n_realignment):
            # collect GMM statistics
            llh, N, F, S = _gmm_eval(E, GMM, return_accums=2)

            # update model
            ww, mm, ee = _gmm_update(N, F, S)
            # wrap model
            GMM = _gmm_eval_prep(ww, mm, ee)

        # evaluate the gmm llhs
        llhs = _gmm_llhs(E, GMM)
        llh = _logsumexp(llhs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        llhs = np.exp(llhs - llh)

        out = np.zeros(llhs.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        out[llhs[:, 0] < threshold] = True
    except RuntimeWarning:
        log.warning("signal contains only silence")
        out = np.zeros(E.shape[0], dtype=bool)

    return out

def _dct_basis(nbasis, length):
    # the same DCT as in matlab
    return scipy.fftpack.idct(np.eye(nbasis, length), norm='ortho')

def _sigmoid_fun(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

def _preprocess_nn_input(X, left_ctx=5, right_ctx=5):
    X = _framing(X, left_ctx+1+right_ctx).transpose(0, 2, 1)
    dct_basis = 6
    dct_xform = _dct_basis(dct_basis, left_ctx+right_ctx+1)
    dct_xform[0] = np.sqrt(2./(left_ctx+right_ctx+1))
    hamming_dct = (dct_xform*np.hamming(left_ctx+right_ctx+1)).T

        X.reshape(-1, hamming_dct.shape[0]),
        hamming_dct).reshape(X.shape[0], -1)

def _create_nn_extract_st_BN(X, param_dict, bn_position):
    mean = param_dict['input_mean']
    std = param_dict['input_std']
    Y = (X + mean) * std
    num_of_layers = int((len(param_dict.keys()) - 5) / 2)

    # n_hidden_before_BN --> sigmoid
    # BN activation --> linear
    for ii, f in enumerate(
            [lambda x: _sigmoid_fun(x)]*bn_position+[lambda x:x]):
        W = param_dict['W'+str(ii+1)]
        b = param_dict['b'+str(ii+1)]
        Y = f( + b)

    Y1 = np.hstack([Y[0:-20], Y[5:-15], Y[10:-10], Y[15:-5], Y[20:]])
    bn_mean = param_dict['bn_mean']
    bn_std = param_dict['bn_std']
    Y1 = (Y1+bn_mean) * bn_std
    for ii, f in enumerate(
            [lambda x: _sigmoid_fun(x)]*(
                num_of_layers - bn_position-2) + [lambda x:x]):
        W = param_dict['W'+str(ii+bn_position+3)]
        b = param_dict['b'+str(ii+bn_position+3)]
        Y1 = f( + b)
    return Y1, Y

[docs]class BottleneckProcessor(FeaturesProcessor): """Bottleneck features from a pre-trained neural network Parameters ---------- weights : 'BabelMulti', 'FisherMono' or 'FisherMulti' The pretrained weights to use for features extraction Raises ------ ValueError If the `weights` are invalid RuntimeError If the weights file cannot be found (meaning shennong is not correctly installed on your system) """ # load of the weights (do it statically to not load the weights # several times when running multiple instances of the # BottleneckProcessor) _loaded_weights = {} def __init__(self, weights='BabelMulti', dither=0.1): super().__init__() self.weights = weights self.dither = dither self._get_weights() @property def name(self): return 'bottleneck' @property def dither(self): """Amount of dithering 0.0 means no dither """ return self._dither @dither.setter def dither(self, value): self._dither = float(value) @property def weights(self): """The name of the pretrained weights used to extract the features Must be 'BabelMulti', 'FisherMono' or 'FisherTri'. """ return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, value): available_weights = self.available_weights() if value not in available_weights: raise ValueError( 'invalid weights "{}", choose in "{}"'.format( value, ', '.join(sorted(available_weights.keys())))) self._weights = value @property def ndims(self): """The dimension of extracted frames Cannot be tuned because the underlying neural networks are trained with this parameter. """ return 80 @property def sample_rate(self): """Processing sample frequency in Hertz Cannot be tuned because the underlying neural networks are trained with this parameter. """ return 8000 @property def frame_length(self): """The length of extracted frames (in seconds) Cannot be tuned because the underlying neural networks are trained with this parameter. """ return 0.025 @property def frame_shift(self): """The time shift between two consecutive frames (in seconds) Cannot be tuned because the underlying neural networks are trained with this parameter. """ return 0.01 def _get_weights(self): if self.weights not in self._loaded_weights: # load the weights if not already loaded weights_file = self.available_weights()[self.weights]'loading %s', os.path.basename(weights_file)) # explicitely load all the data once, instead of having a file # descriptor with np.load(weights_file) as w: self._loaded_weights[self.weights] = { k: v for k, v in w.items()} return self._loaded_weights[self.weights]
[docs] @classmethod def available_weights(cls): """Return the pretrained weights files as a dict (name -> file) Returns ------- weight_files : dict A mapping 'weights name' -> 'weights files', where the files are absolutes paths to compressed numpy array (.npz format). The 'weights name' is either *BabelMulti*, *FisherMono* or *FisherTri*. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the directory `shennong/share/bottleneck` is not found, or if all the weights files are missing in it. """ # locate the directory shennong/share/bottleneck, raise if it # cannot be found directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename( pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('shennong'), 'shennong/share/bottleneck') if not os.path.isdir(directory): # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError(f'directory not found: {directory}') # retrieve the weights files expected_files = { f[0]: os.path.join(directory, f[1] + '.npz') for f in [('BabelMulti', 'Babel-ML17_FBANK_HL1500_SBN80_PhnStates3096'), ('FisherMono', 'FisherEnglish_FBANK_HL500_SBN80_PhnStates120'), ('FisherTri', 'FisherEnglish_FBANK_HL500_SBN80_triphones2423')]} # make sure all the files are here, raise a RuntimeError if # all files are missing, log a warning is only one or two # files are missing files = {k: v for k, v in expected_files.items() if os.path.isfile(v)} if not files: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no weights file found in {}'.format(directory)) for k in expected_files.keys(): if k not in files: # pragma: nocover get_logger('bottleneck', 'warning').warning( 'weights file for "%s" is unavailable', k) return files
[docs] def process(self, signal): """Computes bottleneck features on an audio `signal` Use a pre-trained neural network to extract bottleneck features. Features have a frame shift of 10 ms and frame length of 25 ms. Parameters ---------- signal : Audio, shape = [nsamples, 1] The input audio signal to compute the features on, must be mono. The signal is up/down-sampled at 8 kHz during processing. Returns ------- features : Features, shape = [nframes, 80] The computes bottleneck features will have as many rows as there are frames (depends on the `signal` duration, expect about 100 frames per second), each frame with 80 dimensions. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no speech is detected on the `signal` during the voice activity detection preprocessing step. """ # force resampling to 8 kHz and 16 bits integers need_resample = ( signal.sample_rate != 8000 or signal.dtype is not np.dtype(np.int16)) if need_resample: self.log.debug( 'resampling audio from %dHz@%db to %dHz@%db', signal.sample_rate, signal.dtype.itemsize * 8, 8000, 16) signal = signal.resample(8000).astype(np.int16) signal = # define parameters to extract mel filterbanks. Those # parameters cannot be tuned because the networks are trained # with them... frame_noverlap is the number of samples to # overlap in each frame, so the frame_shift is 200 - 120 = 80 frame_length = 200 frame_noverlap = 120 frame_shift = frame_length - frame_noverlap # voice activity detection TODO implement user-provided VAD # (vad input format could be an instance of Alignment, or # simply an array of bool). vad = _compute_vad( signal, self.log, win_length=frame_length, win_overlap=frame_noverlap) # ensure we have some voiced frames in the signal voiced_frames = sum(vad) if not voiced_frames: raise RuntimeError( 'no voice detected in signal, failed to extract features') self.log.debug( '%d frames of speech detected (on %d total frames)', voiced_frames, len(vad)) # from audio signal to mel filterbank signal = _add_dither(signal, self.dither) window = np.hamming(frame_length) fbank_mx = _mel_fbank_mx( window.size, 8000, numchans=24, lofreq=64.0, hifreq=3800.0) fea = _fbank_htk(signal, window, frame_noverlap, fbank_mx) # center the mel features from voiced frames mean fea -= np.mean(fea[vad], axis=0) # add a global context to the mel features left_ctx = right_ctx = 15 fea = np.r_[np.repeat(fea[[0]], left_ctx, axis=0), fea, np.repeat(fea[[-1]], right_ctx, axis=0)] # compute the network output from mel features left_ctx_bn1 = right_ctx_bn1 = self._get_weights()['context'] nn_input = _preprocess_nn_input(fea, left_ctx_bn1, right_ctx_bn1) nn_output = np.vstack(_create_nn_extract_st_BN( nn_input, self._get_weights(), 2)[0]) # compute the timestamps for each output frame times = (1.0 / 8000) * np.vstack(( np.arange(nn_output.shape[0]) * frame_shift, np.arange(nn_output.shape[0]) * frame_shift + frame_length)).T # return the final bottleneck features return Features(nn_output, times, self.get_properties())