Source code for shennong.features_collection

"""Provides the `FeaturesCollection` class to manipulate speech features

- A `FeaturesCollection` is basically a dictionnary of
  :class:`~shennong.features.Features` indexed by names.

- A collection can be saved to and loaded from a file with the :func:`save` and
  :func:`load` methods.

Supported file formats

The following table details the supported file formats and compares the
obtained file size, writing and reading times on MFCC features computed on the
`Buckeye Corpus <>`_ (English, 40 speakers, about
38 hours of speech and 254 files):

===========  =========  =========  ============  ============
File format  Extension  File size  Writing time  Reading time
===========  =========  =========  ============  ============
pickle       .pkl       883.7 MB   0:00:07       0:00:05
h5features   .h5f       873.0 MB   0:00:21       0:00:07
numpy        .npz       869.1 MB   0:02:30       0:00:22
matlab       .mat       721.1 MB   0:00:59       0:00:11
kaldi        .ark       1.3 GB     0:00:06       0:00:07
CSV          folder     4.8 GB     0:03:02       0:03:11
===========  =========  =========  ============  ============

- **pickle**: standard Python format, fast and efficient for little to medium

- **h5features**: based on HDF5 and specialized for very big datasets. Supports
  partial read/write of datasets bigger than RAM. The documention is available

- **numpy**: standard numpy format.

- **matlab** and **kaldi**: for compatibility.

- **csv**: each features in the collection is wrote as plain text in a
  dedicated file, with an optional JSON file storing features properties.


>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from shennong import Features, FeaturesCollection

Create a collection of two random features

>>> fc = FeaturesCollection()
>>> fc['feat1'] = Features(np.random.random((5, 2)), np.linspace(0, 4, num=5))
>>> fc['feat2'] = Features(np.random.random((3, 2)), np.linspace(0, 2, num=3))
>>> fc.keys()
dict_keys(['feat1', 'feat2'])

Save the collection to a npz file


Load it back to a new collection

>>> fc2 = FeaturesCollection.load('features.npz')
>>> fc2.keys()
dict_keys(['feat1', 'feat2'])
>>> fc == fc2

>>> os.remove('features.npz')


import collections
import numpy as np

from shennong import Features
from shennong.logger import get_logger
from shennong.serializers import get_serializer

[docs]class FeaturesCollection(dict): """Handles a collection of :class:`~shennong.Features` as a dictionary"""
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename, serializer=None, log=get_logger('serializer', 'warning')): """Loads a FeaturesCollection from a `filename` Parameters ---------- filename : str The file to load serializer : str, optional The file serializer to use for loading, if not specified guess the serializer from the `filename` extension log : logging.Logger, optional Where to send log messages. Default to a logger named 'serializer' with a 'warning' level. Returns ------- features : :class:`~shennong.features.FeaturesCollection` The features loaded from the `filename` Raises ------ IOError If the `filename` cannot be read ValueError If the `serializer` or the file extension is not supported, if the features loading fails. """ return get_serializer(cls, filename, log, serializer).load()
[docs] def save(self, filename, serializer=None, with_properties=True, log=get_logger('serializer', 'warning'), **kwargs): """Saves a FeaturesCollection to a `filename` Parameters ---------- filename : str The file to write serializer : str, optional The file serializer to use for loading, if not specified guess the serializer from the `filename` extension with_properties : bool, optional When False do not save the features properties, default to True. log : logging.Logger, optional Where to send log messages. Default to a logger named 'serializer' with a 'warning' level. compress : bool_or_str_or_int, optional Only valid for numpy (.npz), matlab (.mat) and h5features (.h5f) serializers. When True compress the file. Default to True. scp : bool, optional Only valid for kaldi (.ark) serializer. When True writes a .scp file along with the .ark file. Default to False. Raises ------ IOError If the file `filename` already exists ValueError If the `serializer` or the file extension is not supported, if the features saving fails. """ get_serializer(self.__class__, filename, log, serializer).save( self, with_properties=with_properties, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Returns True if all the features in the collection are valid""" for features in self.values(): if not features.is_valid(): return False return True
[docs] def is_close(self, other, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8): """Returns True `self` is approximately equal to `other` Parameters ---------- other : FeaturesCollection The collection of features to compare to the current one rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance Returns ------- equal : bool True if this collection is almost equal to the `other` See Also -------- Features.is_close, numpy.allclose """ if not self.keys() == other.keys(): return False for k in self.keys(): if not self[k].is_close(other[k], rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return False return True
[docs] def partition(self, index): """Returns a partition of the collection as a dict of FeaturesCollection This method is usefull to create sub-collections from an existing one, for instance to make one sub-collection per speaker, or per gender, etc... Parameters ---------- index : dict A mapping with, for each item in this collection, the sub-collection they belong to in the partition. We must have ``index.keys() == self.keys()``. Returns ------- features : dict of FeaturesCollection A dictionnary of FeaturesCollection instances, one per speaker defined in `index`. Raises ------ ValueError If one utterance in the collection is not mapped in `index`. """ undefined_utts = set(self.keys()).difference(index.keys()) if undefined_utts: raise ValueError( 'following items are not defined in the partition index: {}' .format(', '.join(sorted(undefined_utts)))) reverse_index = collections.defaultdict(list) for key, value in index.items(): reverse_index[value].append(key) return {k: FeaturesCollection({item: self[item] for item in items}) for k, items in reverse_index.items()}
[docs] def trim(self, vad): """Returns a new instance of FeaturesCollection where each features has been trimmed with the corresponding VAD. Parameters ---------- vad : dict of boolean ndarrays A dictionnary of arrays indicating which frame to keep. Returns ------- features: FeaturesCollection A new FeaturesCollection trimmed with the input VAD Raises ------ ValueError If the utterances are not the same. If the VAD arrays are not boolean arrays. """ if vad.keys() != self.keys(): raise ValueError('Vad keys are different from this keys.') for key in vad.keys(): if vad[key].dtype != np.dtype('bool'): raise ValueError('Vad arrays must be arrays of bool.') if vad[key].shape[0] != self[key].nframes: raise ValueError( 'Vad arrays length must be equal to the number of frames.') return FeaturesCollection({ k: Features( self[k].data[vad[k]], self[k].times[vad[k]], properties=self[k].properties) for k in self.keys()})