Source code for shennong.features.processor.plp

# coding: utf-8

"""Provides the PlpProcessor class to extract PLP features

Extract PLP (Perceptual Linear Predictive analysis of speech) from an
audio signal. Uses the Kaldi implementation (see [Hermansky1990]_ and

    :class:`` ---> PlpProcessor \
    ---> :class:`~shennong.features.features.Features`


>>> from import Audio
>>> from shennong.features.processor.plp import PlpProcessor
>>> audio = Audio.load('./test/data/test.wav')

Initialize the PLP processor with some options. Options can be
specified at construction, or after:

>>> processor = PlpProcessor()
>>> processor.sample_rate = audio.sample_rate
>>> processor.low_freq = 20
>>> processor.high_freq = -100  # nyquist - 100
>>> processor.compress_factor = 1/3

Compute the PLP features with the specified options, the output is an
instance of :class:`~shennong.features.features.Features`:

>>> plp = processor.process(audio)
>>> type(plp)
<class 'shennong.features.features.Features'>
>>> plp.shape[1] == processor.num_ceps


.. [Hermansky1990] `Perceptual linear predictive (PLP) analysis of
     speech, H. Hermansky, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
     America, vol. 87, no. 4, pages 1738–1752 (1990)`

.. [kaldi-plp]


import kaldi.feat.plp
import kaldi.matrix
import numpy as np

from shennong.features.processor.base import MelFeaturesProcessor

[docs]class PlpProcessor(MelFeaturesProcessor): """Perceptive linear predictive features""" def __init__(self, sample_rate=16000, frame_shift=0.01, frame_length=0.025, dither=1.0, preemph_coeff=0.97, remove_dc_offset=True, window_type='povey', round_to_power_of_two=True, blackman_coeff=0.42, snip_edges=True, num_bins=23, low_freq=20, high_freq=0, vtln_low=100, vtln_high=-500, lpc_order=12, num_ceps=13, use_energy=True, energy_floor=0.0, raw_energy=True, compress_factor=1.0/3.0, cepstral_lifter=22, cepstral_scale=1.0, htk_compat=False): # Forward options to MelFeaturesProcessor super().__init__( sample_rate=sample_rate, frame_shift=frame_shift, frame_length=frame_length, dither=dither, preemph_coeff=preemph_coeff, remove_dc_offset=remove_dc_offset, window_type=window_type, round_to_power_of_two=round_to_power_of_two, blackman_coeff=blackman_coeff, snip_edges=snip_edges, num_bins=num_bins, low_freq=low_freq, high_freq=high_freq, vtln_low=vtln_low, vtln_high=vtln_high) self._options = kaldi.feat.plp.PlpOptions() self._options.frame_opts = self._frame_options self._options.mel_opts = self._mel_options self.lpc_order = lpc_order self.num_ceps = num_ceps self.use_energy = use_energy self.energy_floor = energy_floor self.raw_energy = raw_energy self.compress_factor = compress_factor self.cepstral_lifter = cepstral_lifter self.cepstral_scale = cepstral_scale self.htk_compat = htk_compat self._kaldi_processor = kaldi.feat.plp.Plp @property def name(self): return 'plp' @property def lpc_order(self): """Order of LPC analysis in PLP computation""" return self._options.lpc_order @lpc_order.setter def lpc_order(self, value): self._options.lpc_order = value @property def num_ceps(self): """Number of cepstra in PLP computation (including C0) Should be smaller or equal to `lpc_order` + 1. """ return self._options.num_ceps @num_ceps.setter def num_ceps(self, value): if int(value) > self.lpc_order + 1: raise ValueError( 'We must have num_ceps <= lpc_order+1, but {} > {}+1'.format( int(value), self.lpc_order)) self._options.num_ceps = int(value) @property def use_energy(self): """Use energy (instead of C0) for zeroth PLP feature""" return self._options.use_energy @use_energy.setter def use_energy(self, value): self._options.use_energy = value @property def energy_floor(self): """Floor on energy (absolute, not relative) in PLP computation""" return self._options.energy_floor @energy_floor.setter def energy_floor(self, value): self._options.energy_floor = value @property def raw_energy(self): """If true, compute energy before preemphasis and windowing""" return self._options.raw_energy @raw_energy.setter def raw_energy(self, value): self._options.raw_energy = value @property def compress_factor(self): """Compression factor in PLP computation""" return np.float32(self._options.compress_factor) @compress_factor.setter def compress_factor(self, value): self._options.compress_factor = value @property def cepstral_lifter(self): """Constant that controls scaling of PLPs""" return self._options.cepstral_lifter @cepstral_lifter.setter def cepstral_lifter(self, value): self._options.cepstral_lifter = value @property def cepstral_scale(self): """Scaling constant in PLP computation""" return self._options.cepstral_scale @cepstral_scale.setter def cepstral_scale(self, value): self._options.cepstral_scale = value @property def htk_compat(self): """If True, get closer to HTK PLP features Put energy or C0 last. Warning: Not sufficient to get HTK compatible features (need to change other parameters) """ return self._options.htk_compat @htk_compat.setter def htk_compat(self, value): self._options.htk_compat = value @property def ndims(self): return self.num_ceps