Source code for shennong.features.pipeline

# coding: utf-8
"""High-level functions for a complete features extraction pipeline

This module exposes two main functions :func:`get_default_config` that
generates a configuration for the pipeline given some arguments, and
:func:`extract_features` which takes as input a configuration and a
list of utterances, extracts the features, do the postprocessing and
returns the extracted features as an instance of


>>> from shennong.features.pipeline import get_default_config, extract_features

Generates a configuration for MFCC extraction (including CMVN
normalization by speaker, delta / delta-delta and pitch). The
configuration is a dictionary:

>>> config = get_default_config('mfcc')
>>> config.keys()
dict_keys(['mfcc', 'pitch', 'cmvn', 'delta'])

Generates the same configuration, but without CMVN and without

>>> config = get_default_config('mfcc', with_cmvn=False, with_delta=False)
>>> config.keys()
dict_keys(['mfcc', 'pitch'])

The returned configuration is intialized with default parameters. This
is suitable for most usages, but you change them if you want. Here we
are using a blackman windox for frame extraction, and we are changing
the min/max F0 frequency for pitch extraction:

>>> config['mfcc']['window_type'] = 'blackman'
>>> config['mfcc']['blackman_coeff'] = 0.42
>>> config['pitch']['min_f0'] = 25
>>> config['pitch']['max_f0'] = 400

Generates a list of utterances to extract the features on (here we
have 2 utterances from the same speaker and same file):

>>> wav = './test/data/test.wav'
>>> utterances = [('utt1', wav, 'spk1', 0, 1), ('utt2', wav, 'spk1', 1, 1.5)]

Extract the features:

>>> features = extract_features(config, utterances, njobs=1)
>>> features.keys()
dict_keys(['utt1', 'utt2'])
>>> type(features['utt1'])
<class 'shennong.features.features.Features'>
>>> features['utt1'].shape
(98, 16)

The extracted features embed a ``property`` dictionnary with
information on the input audio, pipeline parameters, etc. The field
'pipeline' describe as a list the processing steps being executed, as
well as the columns of the resulting features matrix (here MFCCs are
on columns 0 to 12 and pitch on columns 13 to 15):

>>> p = features['utt1'].properties
>>> p.keys()
dict_keys(['pipeline', 'mfcc', 'speaker', 'audio', 'pitch'])
>>> p['pipeline']
[{'name': 'mfcc', 'columns': [0, 12]}, {'name': 'pitch', 'columns': [13, 15]}]


import collections
import datetime
import importlib
import os
import re
import textwrap
import yaml

import numpy as np
import joblib

from import Audio
from shennong.features import FeaturesCollection
from shennong.utils import get_logger, get_njobs

[docs]def valid_features(): """Returns the list of features that can be extracted by the pipeline.Audio This list only includes main features extraction algorithms and excludes postprocessing. See also :func:`get_default_config`. """ return _Manager._valid_features
[docs]def get_default_config(features, to_yaml=False, yaml_commented=True, with_pitch=True, with_cmvn=True, with_sliding_window_cmvn=False, with_delta=True, with_vtln=False): """Returns the default configuration for the specified pipeline The pipeline is specified with the main `features` it computes and the postprocessing steps it includes. The returned configuration can be a dictionnay or a YAML formatted string. Parameters ---------- features : str The features extracted by the pipeline, must be 'mfcc', 'filterbank', 'plp' or 'bottleneck'. See also :func:`valid_features`. to_yaml : bool, optional If False the result configuration is a dict, if True this is a YAML formatted string ready to be written to a file. Default to False. yaml_commented : bool, optional If True add the docstring of each parameter as a comment in the YAML string, if False do nothing. This option has an effect only if ``to_yaml`` is True. Default to True. with_pitch : bool, optional Configure the pipeline for pitch extraction, default to True with_cmvn : bool, optional Configure the pipeline for CMVN normalization of the features, default to True. with_sliding_window_cmvn: bool, optional Configure the pipeline for sliding window CMVN normalization of the features, default to False. with_delta : bool, optional Configure the pipeline for features's delta extraction, default to True. with_vtln: with_vad_trimming: bool, optional Configure the pipeline for removing silent frames, default to False. Returns ------- config : dict or str If ``to_yaml`` is True returns a YAML formatted string ready to be written to a file, else returns a dictionary. Raises ------ ValueError If ``features`` is not in :func:`valid_features`. """ # check features are correct if features not in valid_features(): raise ValueError('invalid features "{}", must be in {}'.format( features, ', '.join(valid_features()))) config = {} # filter out sample rate parameter because it is dependent of # the input wav file config[features] = { k: v for k, v in _Manager.get_processor_params(features).items() if k not in ('sample_rate', 'htk_compat')} if with_pitch: # filter out the frame parameters, already specified for # the features, and sample rate config['pitch'] = { k: v for k, v in _Manager.get_processor_params('pitch').items() if k not in ('frame_length', 'frame_shift', 'sample_rate')} config['pitch']['postprocessing'] = ( _Manager.get_processor_params('pitch_post')) if with_cmvn: config['cmvn'] = {'by_speaker': True, 'with_vad': True} config['cmvn']['vad'] = _Manager.get_processor_params('vad') if with_sliding_window_cmvn: config['sliding_window_cmvn'] = _Manager.get_processor_params( 'sliding_window_cmvn') if with_delta: config['delta'] = _Manager.get_processor_params('delta') if with_vtln: config['vtln'] = _Manager.get_processor_params('vtln') if to_yaml: return _get_config_to_yaml(config, comments=yaml_commented) return config
[docs]def extract_features(configuration, utterances_index, njobs=1, log=get_logger()): """Speech features extraction pipeline Given a pipeline ``configuration`` and an ``utterances_index`` defining a list of utterances on which to extract features, this function applies the whole pipeline and returns the extracted features as an instance of :class:`~shennong.features.features.FeaturesCollection`. It uses ``njobs`` parallel subprocesses. The utterances in the ``utterances_index`` can be defined in one of the following format (the format must be homogoneous across the index, i.e. only one format can be used): * 1-uple (or str): ``<wav-file>`` * 2-uple: ``<utterance-id> <wav-file>`` * 3-uple: ``<utterance-id> <wav-file> <speaker-id>`` * 4-uple: ``<utterance-id> <wav-file> <tstart> <tstop>`` * 5-uple: ``<utterance-id> <wav-file> <speaker-id> <tstart> <tstop>`` Parameters ---------- config : dict or str The pipeline configuration, can be a dictionary, a path to a YAML file or a string formatted in YAML. To get a configuration example, see :func:`get_default_config` utterances_index : sequence of tuples The list of utterances to extract the features on. njobs : int, optional The number to subprocesses to execute in parallel, use a single process by default. log : logging.Logger A logger to display messages during pipeline execution Returns ------- features : :class:`~shennong.features.features.FeaturesCollection` The extracted speech features Raises ------ ValueError If the ``configuration`` or the ``utterances_index`` are invalid, or if something goes wrong during features extraction. """ # intialize the pipeline configuration, the list of wav files to # process, instanciate the pipeline processors and make all the # checks to ensure all is correct njobs = get_njobs(njobs, log=log) config = _init_config(configuration, log=log) utterances = _init_utterances(utterances_index, log=log) # check the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable for parallel computations _check_environment(njobs, log=log) # do all the computations return _extract_features( config, utterances, njobs=njobs, log=log)
# a little tweak to change the &log message in joblib parallel loops class _Parallel(joblib.Parallel): def __init__(self, name, log, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name self.log = log def _print(self, msg, msg_args): if not self.verbose: # pragma: nocover return msg = (msg % msg_args).replace('Done', 'done')'%s: %s', self, msg) def __repr__(self): return def _check_environment(njobs, log=get_logger()): if njobs == 1: return try: nthreads = int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']) except KeyError: nthreads = None if not nthreads or nthreads > 1: log.warning( 'working on %s threads but implicit parallelism is active, ' 'this may slow down the processing. Set the environment variable ' 'OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 to disable this warning', njobs) def _get_config_to_yaml(config, comments=True): """Converts a configuration from dict to a yaml string Auxiliary method to :func:`get_default_config`. Parameters ---------- config : dict A dict of parameters, one key per processor and postprocessors. For each key, the value is a dict as well, with a mapping (parameter name: parameter value). comments : bool, optional When True, include the parameters docstrings as comments in the yaml string, default to True Returns ------- yaml : str A string formatted to the YAML format, ready to be written to a file """ # inform yaml to not sort keys by alphabetical order yaml.add_representer( dict, lambda self, data: yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.represent_dict( self, data.items())) # inform yaml to represent numpy floats as standard floats yaml.add_representer( np.float32, yaml.representer.Representer.represent_float) # build the yaml formated multiline string config = yaml.dump(config).strip() if not comments: return config + '\n' # incrust the parameters docstrings as comments in the yaml config_commented = [] processors = [] prev_offset = 0 for line in config.split('\n'): offset = len(line.split(': ')[0]) - len(line.split(': ')[0].strip()) for _ in range((prev_offset - offset)//2): processors.pop() if line.endswith(':'): processor = line[:-1].strip() # special case of pitch_postprocessor if processor == 'postprocessing': processor = 'pitch_post' processors.append(processor) if processor == 'vad': config_commented.append( " # The vad options are not used if 'with_vad' is false") config_commented.append(line) else: param = line.split(': ')[0].strip() default = line.split(': ')[1].strip() processor = processors[-1] # print(processor, param, default, offset, prev_offset) if processor == 'cmvn' and param == 'by_speaker': docstring = ( 'If false, do normalization by utterance, ' 'if true do normalization by speaker') elif processor == 'cmvn' and param == 'with_vad': docstring = ( 'If true do normalization only on frames where ' 'voice activity has been detected, if false do not ' 'consider voice activity for normalization') else: docstring = _Manager.get_docstring( processor, param, default) config_commented += [ ' ' * offset + '# ' + w for w in textwrap.wrap(docstring, width=68 - offset)] config_commented.append(line) prev_offset = offset return '\n'.join(config_commented) + '\n' def _init_config(config, log=get_logger()): try: if os.path.isfile(config): log.debug('loading configuration from %s', config) config = open(config, 'r').read() except TypeError: pass if isinstance(config, str): # the config is a string, try to load it as a YAML try: config = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except yaml.YAMLError as err: raise ValueError('error in configuration: {}', str(err)) # ensure all the keys in config are known unknown_keys = [ k for k in config.keys() if k not in _Manager._valid_processors] if unknown_keys: raise ValueError( 'invalid keys in configuration: {}'.format( ', '.join(unknown_keys))) # ensure one and only one features processor is defined in the # configuration features = [k for k in config.keys() if k in valid_features()] if not features: raise ValueError( 'the configuration does not define any features extraction, ' 'only post-processing (must have one and only one entry of {})' .format(', '.join(valid_features()))) if len(features) > 1: raise ValueError( 'more than one features extraction processors are defined, ' '(must have one and only one entry of {}): {}' .format(', '.join(valid_features()), ', '.join(features))) if 'cmvn' in config: # force by_speaker to False if not existing if 'by_speaker' not in config['cmvn']: log.warning( 'by_speaker option not specified for cmvn, ' 'assuming it is false and doing cmvn by utterance') config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] = False # force with_vad to True if not existing if 'with_vad' not in config['cmvn']: config['cmvn']['with_vad'] = True # if pitch, make sure we have a 'postprocessing' entry if 'pitch' in config and 'postprocessing' not in config['pitch']: config['pitch']['postprocessing'] = {} # log message describing the pipeline configuration msg = [] if 'pitch' in config: msg.append('pitch') if 'delta' in config: msg.append('delta') if 'cmvn' in config: by = 'speaker' if config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] else 'utterance' vad = ' with vad' if config['cmvn']['with_vad'] else '' msg.append('cmvn by {}{}'.format(by, vad)) if 'vtln' in config: by = 'speaker' if config['vtln']['by_speaker'] else 'utterance' msg.append('vtln by {}'.format(by)) 'pipeline configured for %s features extraction%s', features[0], ' with {}'.format(', '.join(msg)) if msg else '') return config _Utterance = collections.namedtuple( '_Utterance', ['file', 'speaker', 'tstart', 'tstop']) def _init_utterances(utts_index, log=get_logger()): """Returns a dict {utt_id: (wav_file, speaker_id, tstart, tstop)} Raises on any error, log a warning on strange but non-critical issues. """ # guess the for format of `wavs` and ensure it is homogeneous utts = list((u,) if isinstance(u, str) else u for u in utts_index) index_format = set(len(u) for u in utts) if not len(index_format) == 1: raise ValueError( 'the wavs index is not homogeneous, entries have different ' 'lengths: {}'.format(', '.join(str(t) for t in index_format))) index_format = list(index_format)[0] # ensure the utterances index format is valid valid_formats = { 1: '<wav-file>', 2: '<utterance-id> <wav-file>', 3: '<utterance-id> <wav-file> <speaker-id>', 4: '<utterance-id> <wav-file> <tstart> <tstop>', 5: '<utterance-id> <wav-file> <speaker-id> <tstart> <tstop>'} try: 'detected format for utterances index is: %s', valid_formats[index_format]) except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown format for utterances index') # ensure 1st column has unique elements duplicates = [u for u, c in collections.Counter( u[0] for u in utts).items() if c > 1] if duplicates: raise ValueError( 'duplicates found in utterances index: {}'.format( ', '.join(duplicates))) # sort the utterances by wav_file (and then by utt_id), this # is a minor optimization to use the cache system of Audio.load(), # ie this avoids to reload several times the same wav when using # tstart/tstop segments. utts = sorted(utts, key=lambda u: u if index_format == 1 else (u[1], u[0])) # build the utterances collection as a dict # {utt_id: (wav_file, speaker_id, tstart, tstop)} utterances = {} for n, utt in enumerate(utts, start=1): if index_format == 1: utt_id = 'utt_{}'.format(str(n)) wav_file = utt[0] else: utt_id = utt[0] wav_file = utt[1] utterances[utt_id] = _Utterance( file=wav_file, speaker=utt[2] if index_format in (3, 5) else None, tstart=(float(utt[2]) if index_format == 4 else float(utt[3]) if index_format == 5 else None), tstop=(float(utt[3]) if index_format == 4 else float(utt[4]) if index_format == 5 else None)) # ensure all the wavs are here wavs = [w.file for w in utterances.values()] not_found = [w for w in wavs if not os.path.isfile(w)] if not_found: raise ValueError( 'the following wav files are not found: {}' .format(', '.join(not_found))) return utterances def _undo_init_utterances(utterances): """Given a dict {utt_id: (wav_file, speaker_id, tstart, tstop)}, returns utterances index in a valid format for ``extract_features`` """ return [(index,)+tuple(info for info in utt if info is not None) for index, utt in utterances.items()] def _extract_features(config, utterances, njobs=1, log=get_logger()): # the manager will instanciate the pipeline components manager = _Manager(config, utterances, log=log) # verbosity level for joblib (no joblib verbosity on debug level # (level <= 10) because each step is already detailed in inner # loops verbose = 8 if log.getEffectiveLevel() > 10 else 0 # vtln : compute vtln warps or load pre-computed warps if 'vtln' in config: manager.warps = manager.get_vtln_processor( 'vtln').process(_undo_init_utterances(utterances)) # cmvn : two passes. 1st with features pitch and cmvn # accumulation, 2nd with cmvn application and delta if 'cmvn' in config: # extract features and pitch, accumulate cmvn stats pass_one = _Parallel( 'features extraction, pass 1', log, n_jobs=njobs, verbose=verbose, prefer='threads')( joblib.delayed(_extract_pass_one)( utterance, manager, log=log) for utterance in utterances) # apply cmvn and extract deltas features = FeaturesCollection(**{k: v for k, v in _Parallel( 'features extraction, pass 2', log, n_jobs=njobs, verbose=verbose, prefer='threads')( joblib.delayed(_extract_pass_two)( utterance, manager, features, pitch, log=log) for utterance, features, pitch in pass_one)}) # no cmvn: single pass else: features = FeaturesCollection(**{k: v for k, v in _Parallel( 'features extraction', log, n_jobs=njobs, verbose=verbose, prefer='threads')( joblib.delayed(_extract_single_pass)( utterance, manager, log=log) for utterance in utterances)}) return features def _extract_pass_one(utt_name, manager, log=get_logger()): # load audio signal of the utterance log.debug('%s: load audio', utt_name) audio = manager.get_audio(utt_name) # main features extraction log.debug('%s: extract %s', utt_name, manager.features) if 'vtln' in manager.config: features = manager.get_features_processor(utt_name).process( audio, vtln_warp=manager.get_warp(utt_name)) else: features = manager.get_features_processor(utt_name).process(audio) # cmvn accumulation if 'cmvn' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: accumulate cmvn', utt_name) # weight CMVN by voice activity detection (null weights on # non-voiced frames) if manager.config['cmvn']['with_vad']: energy = manager.get_energy_processor(utt_name).process(audio) vad = manager.get_vad_processor(utt_name).process(energy) vad =[0], )) # reshape as 1d array else: vad = None manager.get_cmvn_processor(utt_name).accumulate( features, weights=vad) # pitch extraction if 'pitch' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: extract pitch', utt_name) p1 = manager.get_pitch_processor(utt_name) p2 = manager.get_pitch_post_processor(utt_name) pitch = p2.process(p1.process(audio)) else: pitch = None # add info on speaker and audio input on the features properties speaker = manager.utterances[utt_name].speaker if speaker:['speaker'] = speaker utterance = manager.utterances[utt_name]['audio'] = { 'file': os.path.abspath(utterance.file), 'sample_rate': manager._wavs_metadata[utterance.file].sample_rate} if utterance.tstart is not None:['audio']['tstart'] = utterance.tstart['audio']['tstop'] = utterance.tstop['audio']['duration'] = min( utterance.tstop - utterance.tstart, manager._wavs_metadata[utterance.file].duration - utterance.tstart) else:['audio']['duration'] = ( manager._wavs_metadata[utterance.file].duration) return utt_name, features, pitch def _extract_pass_two(utt_name, manager, features, pitch, tolerance=2, log=get_logger()): # apply cmvn if 'cmvn' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: apply cmvn', utt_name) features = manager.get_cmvn_processor(utt_name).process(features) # apply sliding window cmvn if 'sliding_window_cmvn' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: apply sliding window cmvn', utt_name) features = manager.get_sliding_window_cmvn_processor( utt_name).process(features) # apply delta if 'delta' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: apply delta', utt_name) features = manager.get_delta_processor(utt_name).process(features) # concatenate the pitch features to the main ones. because of # downsampling in pitch processing the resulting number of frames # can differ (the same tolerance is applied in Kaldi, see # the paste-feats binary) if pitch: log.debug('%s: concatenate pitch', utt_name) features._log = log features = features.concatenate(pitch, tolerance=tolerance) return utt_name, features def _extract_single_pass(utt_name, manager, log=get_logger()): _, features, pitch = _extract_pass_one(utt_name, manager, log=log) return _extract_pass_two(utt_name, manager, features, pitch, log=log) def _extract_single_pass_warp(utt_name, manager, warp, log=get_logger()): # load audio signal of the utterance log.debug('%s: load audio', utt_name) audio = manager.get_audio(utt_name) # main features extraction log.debug('%s: extract %s', utt_name, manager.features) features = manager.get_features_processor(utt_name).process( audio, vtln_warp=warp) # apply delta if 'delta' in manager.config: log.debug('%s: apply delta', utt_name) features = manager.get_delta_processor(utt_name).process(features) return utt_name, features
[docs]def extract_features_warp(configuration, utterances_index, warp, njobs=1, log=get_logger()): """Speech features extraction pipeline when all features are warped by the same factor. Used in the `process` method of the `VtlnProcessor`. """ # intialize the pipeline configuration, the list of wav files to # process, instanciate the pipeline processors and make all the # checks to ensure all is correct njobs = get_njobs(njobs, log=log) config = _init_config(configuration, log=log) utterances = _init_utterances(utterances_index, log=log) # check the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable for parallel computations _check_environment(njobs, log=log) manager = _Manager(config, utterances, log=log) # verbosity level for joblib (no joblib verbosity on debug level # (level <= 10) because each step is already detailed in inner # loops verbose = 8 if log.getEffectiveLevel() > 10 else 0 return FeaturesCollection(**{k: v for k, v in _Parallel( 'features extraction with warp {}'.format(warp), log, n_jobs=njobs, verbose=verbose, prefer='threads')( joblib.delayed(_extract_single_pass_warp)( utterance, manager, warp, log=log) for utterance in utterances)})
class _Manager: """This class handles the instanciation of processors for the pipeline Instanciation is the "hard part" because it relies on several parameters (CMVN or not, by speaker or not, at which sample rate, etc...). All this mechanics is abstracted by this class. """ _valid_features = [ 'mfcc', 'plp', 'filterbank', 'bottleneck', 'rastaplp', 'spectrogram'] """The main features available in shennong, excluding post-processing""" _valid_processors = { 'bottleneck': ('processor', 'BottleneckProcessor'), 'energy': ('processor', 'EnergyProcessor'), 'filterbank': ('processor', 'FilterbankProcessor'), 'mfcc': ('processor', 'MfccProcessor'), 'pitch': ('processor', 'PitchProcessor'), 'pitch_post': ('processor', 'PitchPostProcessor'), 'plp': ('processor', 'PlpProcessor'), 'rastaplp': ('processor', 'RastaPlpProcessor'), 'spectrogram': ('processor', 'SpectrogramProcessor'), 'ubm': ('processor', 'DiagUbmProcessor'), 'vtln': ('processor', 'VtlnProcessor'), 'cmvn': ('postprocessor', 'CmvnPostProcessor'), 'delta': ('postprocessor', 'DeltaPostProcessor'), 'sliding_window_cmvn': ('postprocessor', 'SlidingWindowCmvnPostProcessor'), 'vad': ('postprocessor', 'VadPostProcessor')} """The features processors as a dict {name: (module, class)}""" def __init__(self, config, utterances, log=get_logger()): self._config = config self._utterances = utterances self._warps = {} self.log = log # the list of speakers self._speakers = set(u.speaker for u in self.utterances.values()) if self._speakers == {None}: self._speakers = None self._check_speakers() # store the metadata because we need to access the sample rate # for processors instanciation wavs = set(u.file for u in utterances.values()) self._wavs_metadata = {w: Audio.scan(w) for w in wavs} # make sure all the wavs are compatible with the pipeline'scanning %s utterances...', len(self._utterances)) self._check_wavs() # the features type to be extracted self.features = [ k for k in self.config.keys() if k in self._valid_features][0] # get some framing parameters constant for all processors # (retrieve them from a features processor instance) proc = self.get_features_processor(next(iter(self.utterances.keys()))) self.frame_length = proc.frame_length self.frame_shift = proc.frame_shift # if CMVN by speaker, instanciate a CMVN processor by speaker # here, else instanciate a processor per utterance if 'cmvn' in self.config: if self.config['cmvn']['by_speaker']: self._cmvn_processors = { spk: self.get_processor_class('cmvn')(proc.ndims) for spk in self.speakers} else: self._cmvn_processors = { utt: self.get_processor_class('cmvn')(proc.ndims) for utt in self.utterances} @property def config(self): return self._config @property def utterances(self): return self._utterances @property def speakers(self): return self._speakers @property def warps(self): return self._warps @warps.setter def warps(self, value): self._warps = value def _check_speakers(self): """Ensures the configuration is compatible with speakers information On any error raises a ValueError. Logs a warning if speakers information is provided but not used by the pipeline. If all is good, silently returns None. """ # ensures speakers info provided if cmvn by speaker is requested if 'cmvn' not in self.config or not self.config['cmvn']['by_speaker']: cmvn_by_speaker = False else: # config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] exists and is True assert self.config['cmvn']['by_speaker'] cmvn_by_speaker = True if cmvn_by_speaker and not self.speakers: raise ValueError( 'cmvn normalization by speaker requested ' 'but no speaker information provided') if not cmvn_by_speaker and self.speakers: self.log.warning( 'speakers information is provided but will not be used ' '(CMVN%s disabled)', ' by speaker' if 'cmvn' in self.config else '') def _check_wavs(self): """Ensures all the wav files are compatible with the pipeline""" # log the total duration and the number of speakers total_duration = sum(w.duration for w in self._wavs_metadata.values()) # nspeakers = len(self.speakers or self.utterances) speakers = ('' if not self.speakers else ' from {} speakers'.format(len(self.speakers))) 'get %s utterances%s in %s wavs, total wavs duration: %s', len(self.utterances), speakers, len(self._wavs_metadata), datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_duration)) # make sure all wavs are mono if not all(w.nchannels == 1 for w in self._wavs_metadata.values()): raise ValueError('all wav files are not mono') # check the sample rate (warning if all the wavs are not at the # same sample rate) samplerates = set(w.sample_rate for w in self._wavs_metadata.values()) if len(samplerates) > 1: self.log.warning( 'several sample rates found in wav files: %s, features ' 'extraction pipeline will work but this may not be a good ' 'idea to work on heterogeneous data', ', '.join(str(s) + 'Hz' for s in samplerates)) # ensure all (tstart, tstop) pairs are valid (numbers and # tstart < tstop) tstamps = [ (w.tstart, w.tstop, w.file) for w in self.utterances.values()] for (tstart, tstop, wfile) in tstamps: if tstart is not None and tstart > tstop: raise ValueError( 'timestamps are not in increasing order for {}: ' '{} >= {}'.format(wfile, tstart, tstop)) @classmethod def get_processor_class(cls, name): """Returns the (post)processor class given its `name` This function enables dynamic import of processors classes to avoid a big list of useless imports. Raises a ValueError if the `name` is not valid or the module/class cannot be imported. """ try: _module, _class = cls._valid_processors[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError('invalid processor "{}"'.format(name)) if name == 'pitch_post': name = 'pitch' if name == 'sliding_window_cmvn': name = 'cmvn' module = 'shennong.features.{}.{}'.format(_module, name) try: module = importlib.import_module(module) except ModuleNotFoundError: # pragma: nocover raise ValueError('cannot import module "{}"'.format(module)) try: return module.__dict__[_class] except KeyError: # pragma: nocover raise ValueError( 'cannot find class "{}" in module {}'.format(_class, module)) @classmethod def get_processor_params(cls, name): """Returns the processors parameters given its `name` Get the processors class using :func:`get_processor_class`, instanciate it and returns its parameters with default values as a dict {param: value}. """ return cls.get_processor_class(name)().get_params() @classmethod def get_docstring(cls, processor, param, default): """Returns the docstring of a given processor's parameter""" # extract the raw docstring docstring = getattr( cls.get_processor_class(processor), param).__doc__ or '' # postprocess to adapt Python docstring to the YAML output # (also adds default value) docstring = re.sub(r'\n\n', '. ', docstring) docstring = re.sub(r'\n', ' ', docstring) docstring = re.sub(r'`', '', docstring) docstring = re.sub(':func:', '', docstring) docstring += '. Default is {}.'.format(default) docstring = re.sub(r'\.+', '.', docstring) docstring = re.sub(r' +', ' ', docstring) docstring = re.sub(r'\. \.', '.', docstring) return docstring.strip() def get_audio(self, utterance): """Returns the audio data for that `utterance`""" utt = self.utterances[utterance] audio = Audio.load(utt.file) if utt.tstart is not None: assert utt.tstop > utt.tstart audio = audio.segment([(utt.tstart, utt.tstop)])[0] if self.features == 'bottleneck': # resample here the signal (this avoid bugs if one part of # the pipeline on 8k and the other on 16k), then update # the metadata for the wav to be used by the rest of the # pipeline self.log.debug( 'resampling audio from %dHz@%db to %dHz@%db', audio.sample_rate, audio.dtype.itemsize * 8, 8000, 16) audio = audio.resample(8000).astype(np.int16) self._wavs_metadata[self.utterances[utterance].file] = ( Audio._metawav( audio.nchannels, audio.sample_rate, audio.nsamples, audio.duration)) return audio def get_features_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a features extraction processor""" wav = self.utterances[utterance].file proc = self.get_processor_class(self.features)( **self.config[self.features]) proc._log = self.log try: proc.sample_rate = self._wavs_metadata[wav].sample_rate except AttributeError: # bottleneck does not support changing sample rate pass return proc def get_energy_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns an energy processor""" wav = self.utterances[utterance].file proc = self.get_processor_class('energy')() proc.frame_length = self.frame_length proc.frame_shift = self.frame_shift proc.sample_rate = self._wavs_metadata[wav].sample_rate return proc def get_vad_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a VAD processor""" return self.get_processor_class('vad')( **self.config['cmvn']['vad']) def get_cmvn_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a CMVN processor""" if self.config['cmvn']['by_speaker']: speaker = self.utterances[utterance].speaker return self._cmvn_processors[speaker] return self._cmvn_processors[utterance] def get_sliding_window_cmvn_processor(self, utterrance): """Instanciates and returns a sliding-window CMVN processor""" return self.get_processor_class('sliding_window_cmvn')( **self.config['sliding_window_cmvn']) def get_pitch_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a pitch processor""" wav = self.utterances[utterance].file params = {k: v for k, v in self.config['pitch'].items() if k != 'postprocessing'} params['sample_rate'] = self._wavs_metadata[wav].sample_rate params['frame_shift'] = self.frame_shift params['frame_length'] = self.frame_length return self.get_processor_class('pitch')(**params) def get_pitch_post_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a pitch post-processor""" return self.get_processor_class('pitch_post')( **self.config['pitch']['postprocessing']) def get_delta_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a delta processor""" return self.get_processor_class('delta')(**self.config['delta']) def get_vtln_processor(self, utterance): """Instanciates and returns a VTLN processor""" return self.get_processor_class('vtln')(**self.config['vtln']) def get_warp(self, utterance): """Returns the VTLN warp associated to this utterance""" return 1 if utterance not in self.warps else self.warps[utterance]