Source code for wordseg.syllabification

"""Estimates syllable boundaries on a text using the maximal onset principle.

This algorithm fully syllabifies a text from a list of onsets and
vowels. Input text must be in orthographic form (with word separators
only) or in phonemized form (with both word and phone
separators). Output text has syllable separators added at estimated
syllable boundaries. For exemples of vowels and onsets files, see the
directory `wordseg/data/syllabification`.


# Created by Lawrence Phillips & Lisa Pearl (2013), adapted by Alex
# Cristia (2015), converted from perl to python and integration in
# wordseg by Mathieu Bernard (2017). Credit is owed mainly to the
# original authors.

import codecs
import os
import re
import six

from wordseg import utils
from wordseg.separator import Separator

[docs]class Syllabifier(object): """Syllabify a text given in phonological or orthographic form Syllabification errors can occur when the onsets and/or vowels are not adapted to the input text (see the `tolerant` parameter). Parameters ---------- onsets : list The list of valid onsets in the `text` vowels : list The list of vowels in the `text` separator : Separator, optional Token separation in the `text` silent : bool, optional When True, append a silent vowel to the end of words without vowel (the vowel is removed after processing so the text is unchanged). When False those words cannot be syllabified. log : logging.Logger, optional Where to send log messages Raises ------ ValueError If `onsets` or `vowels` are empty or are not lists. """ def __init__(self, onsets, vowels, separator=Separator(), filling_vowel=False, log=utils.null_logger()): self.onsets = onsets self.vowels = vowels self.separator = separator self.log = log # ensure onsets and vowels are not empty if not isinstance(vowels, list) or not len(vowels): raise ValueError('unvalid or empty vowels list') if not isinstance(onsets, list) or not len(onsets): raise ValueError('unvalid or empty onsets list') # concatenation of all chars in onsets and vowels (usefull to # detect any char during syllabification) self.symbols = ( set(''.join(v for v in vowels)).union( set(''.join(o for o in onsets)))) # if defined, ensure the silent vowel is not already used if filling_vowel: # find a silent vowel (some char not already prensent in # the symbols) code = 1 while six.unichr(code) in self.symbols: code += 1 self.silent = six.unichr(code) self.symbols.add(self.silent) self.vowels.append(self.silent) else: self.silent = None
[docs] def syllabify(self, text, strip=False, tolerant=False): """Returns the text with syllable boundaries added Parameters ---------- text : sequence The input text to be syllabified. Each element of the sequence is assumed to be a single and complete utterance in valid phonological form. strip : bool, optional When True, removes the syllable boundary at the end of words. tolerant : bool, optional When False (the default), the function raise a ValueError on the first utterance that have not been correctly syllabified. When True, ignore the failed utterances in output but issue a log warning instead. Returns ------- The text with estimated syllable boundaries added. If `tolerant` is True some utterances may be missing in the output. Raises ------ ValueError If an utterance has not been correctly syllabified . If `separator.syllable` is found in the text, or if `onsets` or `vowels` are empty. """ # we are syllabifying utterance per utterance syllabified_text = [] nerrors = 0 for n, utt in enumerate(text): utt = utt.strip() # first ensure the utterance is compatible with the given # syllable separator if self.separator.syllable in utt: raise ValueError( 'syllable separator "{}" found in text (line {}): {}' .format(self.separator.syllable, n+1, utt)) # if we have phone separators, removes them and store # their positions utt, index = self._remove_phone_separators(utt) # estimate the syllable boundaries on the utterance try: syllables = self._syllabify_utterance(utt, strip=strip) except RuntimeError as err: error = 'line {}, {}'.format(n+1, err) if tolerant: # issue a warning and ignore that utterance self.log.warning(error) nerrors += 1 continue else: # fail with error raise ValueError(error) # restore the phones separators as they were before syllables = self._restore_phone_separators(syllables, index, strip) syllabified_text.append(syllables) if tolerant and nerrors > 0: self.log.error( 'syllabification failed for {} utterances'.format(nerrors)) return syllabified_text
[docs] @staticmethod def open_datafile(data_file): """Read a vowel or onsets file as a list""" data =, 'r', encoding='utf8').readlines() # ignore empty lines in data file return [line for line in (line.strip() for line in data) if line]
def _syllabify_utterance(self, utterance, strip=False): """Syllabify a single utterance Auxiliary function to syllabify_text(). Raises ------ RuntimeError If the syllabification failed """ # split the utterances into words words = self.separator.tokenize( utterance, level='word', keep_boundaries=False) # estimate syllables boundaries word per word, read them from # end to start output = '' for n, word in enumerate(words[::-1]): try: output_word = self._syllabify_word(word, strip) except RuntimeError as err: # forward the exception with word id added raise RuntimeError( 'word {}: {}'.format(len(words) - n, err)) # concatenate the syllabified word to the output, do not # append a word separator at the end if stripped if strip and not self.separator.remove(output): output = output_word else: output = output_word + self.separator.word + output return output def _syllabify_word(self, word, strip): """Return a single word with syllable boundaries added Auxiliary function to syllabify_utterance(). Raises ------ RuntimeError If the word has no vowel, contains an unknown symbol (not present in vowels or onsets) or if the syllabification failed. """ # ensure all the chars in word are defined in vowels or onsets unknown = self._unknown_char(word) if unknown: raise RuntimeError( 'unknown symbol "{}" in word "{}"'.format(unknown, word)) # ensure the word containe at least a vowel if not self._has_vowels(word): if not self.silent: raise RuntimeError( 'no vowel in word "{}"'.format(word)) else: word += self.silent input_word = word output_word = '' syllable = '' # read characters of the current word from end to start while len(word) > 0: char, word = word[-1], word[:-1] # append current char to current syllable - that will be # necessary regardless of whether it's a vowel or a coda syllable = char + syllable if char in self.vowels: word, syllable = self._build_onset(word, syllable) # add the syllable to words entry if strip and not output_word: output_word = syllable else: output_word = ( syllable + self.separator.syllable + output_word) syllable = '' if input_word != self.separator.remove(output_word, 'syllable'): raise RuntimeError( 'onset not found in "{}"'.format( input_word, self.separator.remove(output_word, 'syllable'))) if self.silent: return re.sub(self.silent, '', output_word) else: return output_word def _build_onset(self, word, syllable): try: prevchar = word[-1] if prevchar not in self.vowels: # if this char is a vowel and the previous one is not, # then we need to make the onset, start with nothing as # the onset onset = '' # then we want to take one letter at a time and check # whether their concatenation makes a good onset while len(word) and word[-1] + onset in self.onsets: onset = word[-1] + onset word = word[:-1] # we get here either because we've concatenated the # onset+rest or because there was no onset and the # preceding element is a vowel, so this is the end of the # syllable syllable = onset + syllable except IndexError: # there is no previous char pass return word, syllable def _remove_phone_separators(self, utt): # special case when there is no phone separator in the utterance if not, utt): return utt, [] # the returned index is a list of lists (for each word, length # of each phone) index = [] # split the utterance in words and index the phones length for word in self.separator.split(utt, 'word', keep_boundaries=True): phones = self.separator.split(word, 'phone', keep_boundaries=False) current_index = [len(p) for p in phones if len(p)] if current_index: index.append(current_index) return self.separator.remove(utt, level='phone'), index def _restore_phone_separators(self, utt, index, strip): # special case when there is no phone separator in the # utterance if index == []: return utt # restore the utterance word per word (index[i]) and within # words, phone per phone (index[i][j]). restored = '' for i, word in enumerate( self.separator.split(utt, 'word', keep_boundaries=True)): if len(word) == 0 and strip is False: # coherent behavior for non striped texts restored += self.separator.word else: j = 0 # iterate on syllables for syllable in self.separator.split( word, 'syllable', keep_boundaries=True): # for each phone in the syllable, append a phone # separator k = 0 while k < len(syllable): restored += ( syllable[k:k+index[i][j]] + k += index[i][j] j += 1 # end of the syllable, append a separator if strip: restored = restored[:-len(] restored += self.separator.syllable # end of the word, remove the last syllable boundary # append a word separator restored = (restored[:-len(self.separator.syllable)] + self.separator.word) # remove the last word boundary of the utterance return restored[:-len(self.separator.word)] def _unknown_char(self, word): """Returns the unknown char if anyone if found, False otherwise""" for w in word: if w not in self.symbols: return w return False def _has_vowels(self, word): """True if the `word` contains any vowel, False otherwise""" for v in self.vowels: if v in word: return True return False
def _add_arguments(parser): """Add command line arguments for wordseg-syll""" parser.add_argument( 'onsets_file', type=str, metavar='<onsets-file>', help=('a file containing the list of valid onsets for the ' 'input text, one onset per line')) parser.add_argument( 'vowels_file', type=str, metavar='<vowels-file>', help=('a file containing the list of vowels for ' 'the input text, one vowel per line')) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--strip', action='store_true', help='removes the end separators in syllabified output') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--tolerant', action='store_true', help='tolerate syllabification failures and report them as warnings, ' 'default is to fail at the first error') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--filling-vowel', action='store_true', help='add a silent filling vowel to groups of consonants ' 'with no vowel, by default words with no vowel cannot be syllabified') @utils.CatchExceptions def main(): """Entry point of the 'wordseg-syll' command""" streamin, streamout, separator, log, args = utils.prepare_main( name='wordseg-syll', description=__doc__, separator=utils.Separator(' ', ';esyll', ';eword'), add_arguments=_add_arguments) # loads the onsets if not os.path.isfile(args.onsets_file): raise RuntimeError( 'unknown onsets file "{}"'.format(args.onsets_file)) onsets = Syllabifier.open_datafile(args.onsets_file) # loads the vowels if not os.path.isfile(args.vowels_file): raise RuntimeError( 'unknown vowels file "{}"'.format(args.vowels_file)) vowels = Syllabifier.open_datafile(args.vowels_file)'loaded %s onsets', len(onsets)) log.debug('onsets are "%s"', ', '.join(onsets))'loaded %s vowels', len(vowels)) log.debug('vowels are "%s"', ', '.join(vowels)) log.debug('separator is %s', separator) syllabifier = Syllabifier( onsets, vowels, separator=separator, filling_vowel=args.filling_vowel, log=log) # syllabify the input text sylls = utils.CountingIterator(syllabifier.syllabify( streamin, strip=args.strip, tolerant=args.tolerant)) # display the output'syllabified %s utterances', sylls.count) streamout.write('\n'.join(sylls) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()