Source code for

"""Transitional Probabilities word segmentation"""

# Author: Amanda Saksida, Mathieu Bernard, Manel Khentout

import codecs
import collections
import math
import os
import re

from wordseg import utils

def _threshold_relative(units, tps):
    """Relative threshold segmentation method"""
    prelast = units[0]
    last = units[1]
    unit = units[2]

    cword = [prelast, last]
    cwords = [cword]  # initialisation
    for _next in units[3:]:
        # relative threshold condition
        cond = (tps[prelast, last] > tps[last, unit]
                and tps[last, unit] < tps[unit, _next])

        if cond or last == 'UB' or unit == 'UB':
            cword = []

        prelast = last
        last = unit
        unit = _next

    return cwords

def _threshold_absolute(units, tps):
    """Absolute threshold segmentation method"""
    last = units[0]
    last_word = [last]

    tp_mean = sum(tps.values()) / len(tps) if len(tps) != 0 else 0

    cwords = [last_word]
    for unit in units[1:]:
        if tps[last, unit] <= tp_mean or last == 'UB' or unit == 'UB':
            last_word = []

        last = unit

    return cwords

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Training
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _train(train_units, dependency):
    # compute and count all the unigrams and bigrams (two successive units)
    unigrams = collections.Counter(train_units)
    bigrams = collections.Counter(zip(train_units[0:-1], train_units[1:]))

    # compute the transitional probabilities accordoing to the given
    # dependency measure

    if dependency == 'ftp':
        tps = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0, {
            bigram: float(freq) / unigrams[bigram[0]]
            for bigram, freq in bigrams.items()})
    elif dependency == 'btp':
        tps = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0, {
            bigram: float(freq) / unigrams[bigram[1]]
            for bigram, freq in bigrams.items()})
    else:  # dependency == 'mi'
        tps = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0, {
            bigram: math.log(float(freq) / (
                unigrams[bigram[0]] * unigrams[bigram[1]]), 2)
            for bigram, freq in bigrams.items()})
    return tps

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Segmentation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _segment(units, tps, threshold):
    # segment the input given the transition probalities
    cwords = (_threshold_relative(units, tps) if threshold == 'relative'
              else _threshold_absolute(units, tps))
    segtext = ' '.join(''.join(c) for c in cwords)
    return [utt.strip() for utt in re.sub(' +', ' ', segtext).split('UB')]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Segment function
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def segment(text, train_text=None, threshold='relative', dependency='ftp', log=utils.null_logger()): """Returns a word segmented version of `text` using the TP algorithm The parameters `text` and `train_text` must be formatted as follows: A sequence of lines with syllable (or phoneme) boundaries marked by spaces and no word boundaries. Each line in the sequence corresponds to a single and complete utterance Parameters ---------- text : sequence The text to segment into words train_text : sequence, optional The text used to train model on (estimation of transition probabilities). If not specified use the `text`. threshold : str, optional Type of threshold to use, must be 'relative' or 'absolute'. dependency : str, optional Type of dependency measure to compute, must be 'ftp' for forward transitional probability, 'btp' for backward transitional probability or 'mi' for mutual information. log : logging.Logger, optional The logging instance where to send messages. Returns ------- list The utterances from `text` with estimated words boundaries. Raises ------ ValueError If `threshold` is not 'relative' or 'absolute'. If `dependency` is not 'ftp', 'btp' or 'mi'. """ # raise on invalid threshold type if threshold not in ('relative', 'absolute'): raise ValueError( "invalid threshold, must be 'relative' or 'absolute', it is '{}'" .format(threshold)) # raise on invalid probability type if dependency not in ('ftp', 'btp', 'mi'): raise ValueError( "invalid dependency measure, must be 'ftp', 'btp' " "or 'mi', it is {}".format(dependency))'running TP with %s threshold and %s dependency measure', threshold, dependency) # calculate test_unit and train_unit test_units = ' UB '.join(line.strip() for line in text).split() if train_text is None: train_units = test_units else: train_units = ' UB '.join(line.strip() for line in train_text).split() # estimate the transition probabilities tps = _train(train_units, dependency) # segment the text using those TPs return _segment(test_units, tps, threshold)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command line arguments # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_arguments(parser): """Add algorithm specific options to the parser""" group = parser.add_argument_group('algorithm parameters') group.add_argument( '-t', '--threshold', type=str, choices=['relative', 'absolute'], default='relative', help='''Use a relative or absolute threshold for boundary decisions on transition probabilities. When absolute, the threshold is set to the mean transition probability over the entire text. Default is relative.''') group1 = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group1.add_argument( '-d', '--dependency', type=str, choices=['ftp', 'btp', 'mi'], default='ftp', help='''Dependency measure to use. ftp is forward transitional probability: ftp(XY) = freq(XY) / freq(X), btp is backward transitional probability: ftp(XY) = freq(XY) / freq(Y), mi is mutual information: mi(XY) = log2( freq(XY) / (freq(X) * freq(Y))). ''') group1.add_argument( '-p', '--probability', type=str, choices=['forward', 'backward'], help='''DEPRECATED, USE -d/--dependency INSTEAD. Compute forward or backward transitional probabilities. Equivalent to -d ftp / -d btp respectively.''') @utils.CatchExceptions def main(): """Entry point of the 'wordseg-tp' command""" # command initialization streamin, streamout, _, log, args = utils.prepare_main( name='wordseg-tp', description=__doc__, add_arguments=_add_arguments, train_file=True) # if the deprecated --probability option is used, raise a warning # and convert it to the new --dependency option. if args.probability is not None: log.warning( '''-p/--probability option is deprecated (maintained for backward compatibility), please use -d/--dependency instead.''') if args.probability == 'forward': args.dependency = 'ftp' else: # 'backward' args.dependency = 'btp' # load the train text if any train_text = None if args.train_file: if not os.path.isfile(args.train_file): raise RuntimeError( 'test file not found: {}'.format(args.train_file)) train_text =, 'r', encoding='utf8') # load train and test texts, ignore empty lines test_text = (line for line in streamin if line) if train_text: train_text = (line for line in train_text if line) # segment the input text with the train text text = segment( test_text, train_text=train_text, threshold=args.threshold, dependency=args.dependency, log=log) # output the result streamout.write('\n'.join(text) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()