Source code for wordseg.algos.puddle

"""Puddle word segmentation algorithm

Implementation of the puddle philosophy developped by P. Monaghan.

See "Monaghan, P., & Christiansen, M. H. (2010). Words in puddles of sound:
modelling psycholinguistic effects in speech segmentation. Journal of child
language, 37(03), 545-564."

The algorithm has two modes of operation:

- Segmentation and online learning on the same text:
  Specify <input-text> only, <input-text> must be in phonologized form. The
  PUDDLE model is updated line per line and so segmentation performances are
  better at the end. Use --nfolds and --njobs options to run the segmentation
  in several folds in parallel.

- Training ans segmentation on separate files:
  Specify <input-text> and --train-file <training-file>. Both texts must be in
  phonologized form. The PUDDLE model is trained offline on <training-file>,
  before the segmentation of <input-text>. In this mode --nfolds and --njobs
  options are not valid.


import codecs
import collections
import os

import joblib

from wordseg import utils, folding

[docs]class Puddle: """Train and segmenttext with a PUDDLE modelling Implementation of a PUDDLE model with `train()` and `segment()` methods. Parameters ---------- window : int, optional Number of phonemes to be taken into account for boundary constraint. Default to 2. by_frequency : bool, optional When True choose the word candidates by filterring them by frequency. Default to False. log : logging.Logger, optional The logger instance where to send messages. """ def __init__(self, window=2, by_frequency=False, log=utils.null_logger()): self._log = log self.window = window self.by_frequency = by_frequency self._lexicon = collections.Counter() self._beginning = collections.Counter() self._ending = collections.Counter() def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.window == other.window and self.by_frequency == other.by_frequency and self._lexicon == other._lexicon and self._beginning == other._beginning and self._ending == other._ending)
[docs] def train(self, text): """Train a PUDDLE model from `text` `text` must be a sequence of strings, each one considered as an utterance. """ for utterance in text: self._process_utterance( utterance.strip().split(), segmented=[], do_update=True)
[docs] def segment(self, text, update_model=True): """Segments a `text` using the trained PUDDLE model `text` must be a sequence of strings, each one considered as an utterance. If `update_model` is True, the model is trained online during segmentation. Otherwise it stays constant. Yields the segmented utterances. """ for utterance in text: yield ' '.join( self._process_utterance( utterance.strip().split(), segmented=[], do_update=update_model))
def _filter_by_frequency(self, utterance, i, j): all_candidates = [] for k in range(j, len(utterance)): try: all_candidates.append( (k, self._lexicon[''.join(utterance[i:k+1])])) except KeyError: pass j, _ = sorted(all_candidates, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1] return j def _filter_by_boundary_condition(self, utterance, i, j): # previous must be word-end prev_biphone = ''.join(utterance[i - self.window:i]) if i != 0 and prev_biphone not in self._ending: return False next_biphone = ''.join(utterance[j + 1:j + 1 + self.window]) if len(utterance) != j - i and next_biphone not in self._beginning: return False return True def _update_candidate(self, segmented, utterance, i, j): self._lexicon.update([''.join(utterance[i:j+1])]) segmented += [''.join(utterance[i:j+1])] if len(utterance[i:j+1]) == len(utterance): self._log.debug( 'utterance %s added in lexicon', ''.join(utterance[i:j+1])) else: self._log.debug( 'match %s added in lexicon', ''.join(utterance[i:j+1])) if len(utterance[i:j+1]) >= 2: self._beginning.update([''.join(utterance[i:i+self.window])]) self._ending.update([''.join(utterance[j+1-self.window:j+1])]) self._log.debug( 'biphones %s added in beginning', ''.join(utterance[i:i+self.window])) self._log.debug( 'biphones %s added in ending', ''.join(utterance[j+1-self.window:j+1])) return segmented @staticmethod def _segment_candidate(segmented, utterance, i, j): segmented.append(''.join(utterance[i:j+1])) return segmented def _process_utterance(self, utterance, segmented, do_update): """Recursive function implementing puddle Parameters ---------- utterance : list A non-empty list of phonological symbols (phones or syllables) corresponding to an utterance. segmented : list Recursively build lexicon of pseudo words. do_update : bool When True, update the model while segmenting Raises ------ ValueError If `utterance` is empty. """ if not utterance: raise ValueError('The utterance is empty') # select the right method for segmenting pseudo words with respect to # `do_update` process_candidate = ( self._update_candidate if do_update else self._segment_candidate) found = False # index of start of word candidate i = 0 while i < len(utterance): j = i while j < len(utterance): candidate_word = ''.join(utterance[i:j+1]) # self._log.debug('word candidate: %s', candidate_word) if candidate_word in self._lexicon: if self.by_frequency: # choose the best candidate by looking at the # frequency of different candidates j = self._filter_by_frequency(utterance, i, j) # check if the boundary conditions are respected found = self._filter_by_boundary_condition(utterance, i, j) if found:'match found : %s', candidate_word) if i != 0: # add the word preceding the word found in # lexicon; update beginning and ending # counters and segment segmented = process_candidate( segmented, utterance, 0, i-1) # update the lexicon, beginning and ending counters segmented = process_candidate( segmented, utterance, i, j) if j != len(utterance) - 1: # recursion return self._process_utterance( utterance[j+1:], segmented=segmented, do_update=do_update) # go to the next chunk and apply the same condition 'go to next chunk : %s', utterance[j+1:]) break j += 1 i += 1 # or go to the next phoneme if not found: process_candidate(segmented, utterance, 0, len(utterance) - 1) return segmented
def _do_puddle(text, window, by_frequency, log_level, log_name): """Auxiliary function to segment""" model = Puddle( window=window, by_frequency=by_frequency, log=utils.get_logger(name=log_name, level=log_level)) return list(model.segment(text, update_model=True))
[docs]def segment(text, train_text=None, window=2, by_frequency=False, nfolds=5, njobs=1, log=utils.null_logger()): """Returns a word segmented version of `text` using the puddle algorithm Parameters ---------- text : sequence of str A sequence of lines with syllable (or phoneme) boundaries marked by spaces and no word boundaries. Each line in the sequence corresponds to a single and complete utterance. train_text : sequence of str The list of utterances to train the model on. If None (default) the model is trained online during segmentation. When `train_text` is specified, the options `nfolds` and `njobs` are ignored. window : int, optional Number of phonemes to be taken into account for boundary constraint. Default to 2. by_frequency : bool, optional When True choose the word candidates by filterring them by frequency. Default to False. nfolds : int, optional The number of folds to segment the `text` on. This option is ignored if a `train_text` is provided. njobs : int, optional The number of subprocesses to run in parallel. The folds are independant of each others and can be computed in parallel. Requesting a number of jobs greater then `nfolds` have no effect. This option is ignored if a `train_text` is provided. log : logging.Logger, optional The logger instance where to send messages. Returns ------- generator The utterances from `text` with estimated words boundaries. See also -------- wordseg.folding.fold """ # force the text to be a list of utterances text = list(text) if not train_text:'not train data provided, will train model on test data') log.debug('building %s folds', nfolds) folded_texts, fold_index = folding.fold(text, nfolds) # segment the folds in parallel segmented_texts = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, verbose=0)( joblib.delayed(_do_puddle)( fold, window, by_frequency, log.getEffectiveLevel(), f'wordseg-puddle - fold {n+1}') for n, fold in enumerate(folded_texts)) log.debug('unfolding the %s folds', nfolds) output_text = folding.unfold(segmented_texts, fold_index) return (utt for utt in output_text if utt) # force the train text from sequence to list train_text = list(train_text)'train data: %s utterances loaded', len(train_text)) # init a puddle model and train it model = Puddle(window=window, by_frequency=by_frequency, log=log) model.train(train_text) # segmentation of the test text, keeping the model constant return (utt for utt in model.segment(text, update_model=False) if utt)
def _add_arguments(parser): """Add algorithm specific options to the parser""" parser.add_argument( '-f', '--nfolds', type=int, metavar='<int>', default=None, help='number of folds to segment the text on, default is 5, ' 'ignored if <training-file> specified.') parser.add_argument( '-j', '--njobs', type=int, metavar='<int>', default=None, help='number of parallel jobs to use, default is 1, ' 'ignored if <training-file> specified.') parser.add_argument( '-w', '--window', type=int, default=2, metavar='<int>', help=''' Number of phonemes to be taken into account for boundary constraint, default is %(default)s.''') parser.add_argument( '-F', '--by-frequency', action='store_true', help='choose word candidates based on frequency ' '(deactivated by default)') # parser.add_argument( # '-d', '--decay', action='store_true', # help='Decrease the size of lexicon, modelize memory of lexicon.') @utils.CatchExceptions def main(): """Entry point of the 'wordseg-puddle' command""" streamin, streamout, _, log, args = utils.prepare_main( name='wordseg-puddle', description=__doc__, add_arguments=_add_arguments, train_file=True) # post-process arguments if args.train_file and (args.njobs or args.nfolds): raise ValueError( '--train-file option is incompatible with --njobs and --nfolds') args.njobs = args.njobs or 1 args.nfolds = args.nfolds or 5 # load the train text if any train_text = None if args.train_file: if not os.path.isfile(args.train_file): raise RuntimeError( f'test file not found: {args.train_file}') train_text =, 'r', encoding='utf8') # load train and test texts, ignore empty lines test_text = (line for line in streamin if line) if train_text: train_text = (line for line in train_text if line) segmented = segment( test_text, train_text=train_text, window=args.window, by_frequency=args.by_frequency, nfolds=args.nfolds, njobs=args.njobs, log=log) streamout.write('\n'.join(segmented) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()