

The h5features library provides efficient and flexible I/O on a (potentially large) collection of (potentially small) 2D datasets with one fixed dimension (the features dimension, identical for all datasets) and one variable dimension (the times dimension, possibly different for each dataset). For example, the collection of datasets can correspond to speech features (e.g. MFC coefficients) extracted from a collection of speech recordings with variable durations. In this case, the times dimension corresponds to timestamps of each frame and the features dimension store a features vector for each frame, its meaning depends on the type of speech features used.

The h5features library can handle small or large collections of small or large datasets, but the case that motivated its design is that of large collections of small datasets. This is a common case in speech signal processing, for example, where features are often extracted separately for each sentence in multi-hours recordings of speech signal. If the features are stored in individual files, the number of files becomes problematic. If the features are stored in a single big file which does not support partial I/O, the size of the file becomes problematic. To solve this problem, h5features is built on top of the HDF5 library, which supports partial I/O.

All the items of a dataset are stored in a single file. This allows for efficient I/O on a single item. h5features also indexes the times dimension of each item and allow partial I/O along it. To continue our speech features example, this means that it is possible to load just the features for a specific time-interval in a specific utterance (corresponding to a word or phone of interest for instance). The labels indexing the times dimension typically correspond to a pair (tstart, tstop) associated to each feature vector in a dataset.

Along with times and features, an item can also have attached properties defined by the user. This can be used for instance to store metadata on the stored features (author, parameters, origin of the data, preprocessing, etc).

The h5features file format

This section explains the structure of a h5features file as written by the library, and the difference between the implemented versions.


This is usual to use .h5f as extension for h5features files, but this is not required by the library.


Do not be confused between library version and file format version. The details of library changes and versions are available in the ChangeLog section.

The h5features library is built on the HDF5 library and file format. In few words, the HDF5 format is structured as a filesystem and is made of groups (similar to folders), datasets (similar to files) and attributes (metadata attached to groups and datasets). It allows efficient input/output operations on large datasets. In top of HDF5, we use the HighFive C++ library which provides a high level and friendly interface to HDF5.

Several versions of the h5features file format have been implemented:

  • file format 0.1

    Composed of the following datasets: features, times, files, file_index. All features from differents items are stacked in the same dataset and indexed. There is no version attribute nor properties support. Timestamps must be 1D.

  • file format 1.0

    Same as 0.1 with a version attribute added.

  • file format 1.1

    The structure evolved from group/[files, times, features, file_index] to group/[items, labels, features, index]. Support for 2d timestamps. Support for properties, stored as a string attribute (implemented with Python pickle module).

  • file format 1.2

    Same as 1.1 with a new and incompatible implementation of properties, stored as a group.

  • file format 2.0

    Complete rewrite of the file structure. Each item is stored in his own group and includes the following datasets and attributes: features, times, name and properties. This implementation is a little bit slower than the 1.x version (especially for uncompressed data) but the structure is by far more explicit (no more stacked data nor index).

  • The compatibility grid below details for each library version which file version is supported for read and write operations:

    h5features version

    file version (read)

    file version (write)





    0.1, 1.0

    0.1, 1.0


    0.1, 1.0



    0.1, 1.0



    0.1, 1.0, 1.1

    1.0, 1.1


    1.0, 1.1*, 1.2, 2.0

    1.1*, 1.2, 2.0