Source code for wordseg.prepare

"""Prepare an input text for word segmentation

* The input text must be in a phonologized form (a suite of phones,
  syllables or words tokens as specified by the token separator).

* The input text is checked for errors in formatting (presence of
  punctuation, missing separators, etc...).

* The output text contains space separated phones (or syllables
  according to the *unit* option).

* The program fails on the first encountered error, or ignore them if
  the *tolerant* option is used.


import six
import string
import re

from wordseg import utils
from wordseg.separator import Separator

punctuation_re = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
"""A regular expression matching all the punctuation characters"""

def _pairwise(l):
    """Yields paiwise elements of a sequence

    >>> list(pairwise([1, 2, 3]))
    [(1, 2), (2, 3)]

    for a, b in zip(l[:-1], l[1:]):
        yield a, b

[docs]def check_utterance(utterance, separator=Separator(), check_punctuation=True): """Ensures an utterance is in a valid phonological form Parameters ---------- utterance : str The utterance to be checked separator : Separator, optional The token separators used in the `utterance` check_punctuation : bool, optional When True (default), forbid any punctuation character in the utterance and raise ValueError if any punctuation is found. When False, do not check punctuation. Returns ------- bool True if no error detected, raises otherwise Raises ------ ValueError If one of the following errors is detected: * `utterance` is empty or is not a string * `utterance` contains any punctuation character (once the separators are removed), only if `check_punctuation` is True * `utterance` begins with a separator * `utterance` does not end with a word separator * `utterance` contains syllable tokens but a word does not end with a syllable separator """ # utterance is empty or not a string (or unicode for python2) if not utterance or not isinstance(utterance, six.string_types): raise ValueError( 'utterance is not a string ({}): {}'.format( type(utterance), utterance)) if not len(separator.strip(utterance)): raise ValueError('utterance is an empty string') # search any punctuation in utterance (take care to remove token # separators first) if check_punctuation is True: cleaned_utterance = separator.remove(utterance) if punctuation_re.sub('', cleaned_utterance) != cleaned_utterance: raise ValueError('punctuation found in utterance') # utterance must not begin with a separator for sep in separator.iterate(): if sep and re.match('^{}'.format(re.escape(sep)), utterance): raise ValueError( 'utterance begins with a separator: "{}"'.format(utterance)) # utterance must end with a word separator if not utterance.endswith(separator.word): raise ValueError( 'utterance does not end with a word separator: "{}"' .format(utterance)) # a word does not finish with a syllable separator if separator.syllable and separator.syllable in utterance and not all( a == separator.syllable for a, b in _pairwise(utterance.split( if b == separator.word): raise ValueError( 'a word does not end with a syllable separator: "{}"' .format(utterance)) return True
[docs]def prepare(text, separator=Separator(), unit='phone', check_punctuation=True, tolerant=False, log=utils.null_logger()): """Prepares a text in phonological form for word segmentation The returned text is ready to be segmented. It consists in a suite of phonological symbols (can be phones or syllable depending on `unit`) separated by spaces. The function removes the word separators from all the lines in `text` and replaces boundaries at the unit level defined by `unit` by a space. If `unit` is 'phone' the syllable separators are removed, and vice-versa if `unit` is 'syllable' the phone separators are dicarded. Parameters ---------- text : sequence The input text to be prepared for segmentation. Each element of the sequence is assumed to be a single and complete utterance in valid phonological form. separator : Separator, optional Token separation in the `text` unit : str, optional The unit representation level to prepare the `text` at, must be 'syllable' or 'phone'. check_punctuation : bool, optional When True (default), forbid any punctuation character in the utterance and raise ValueError if any punctuation is found. When False, do not check punctiation. tolerant : bool, optional If False, raise ValueError on the first format error detected in the `text`. If True, the badly formated utterances are filtered out from the output and a warning is issued. log : logging.Logger, optional The logger instance where to send messages. Returns ------- prepared_text : generator Utterances from the `text` with separators removed, prepared for segmentation at a syllable or phoneme representation level (separated by space). Raises ------ ValueError On the first format error encountered in `text` (see the prepare.check_utterance function), only if `tolerant` is False. """ # raise an error if unit is not valid if unit not in ('phone', 'syllable'): raise ValueError( "unit must be 'phone' or 'syllable', it is '{}'".format(unit)) # define the function that prepare the text (removing requested # separators) if unit == 'phone': def func(line): return line.replace(separator.syllable, '')\ .replace(separator.word, '') else: # syllable def func(line): return line.replace(separator.word, '')\ .replace(' ', '')\ .replace(separator.syllable, ' ') nremoved = 0 for n, line in enumerate(text): try: # force the utf8 encoding line = line.encode('utf8').decode().strip() except ValueError: # line is already in bytes, not str line = line.strip() # ignore empty lines if line == '': log.debug('ignoring empty line %d', n+1) nremoved += 1 continue try: check_utterance( line, separator, check_punctuation=check_punctuation) yield utils.strip(func(line)) except ValueError as err: if tolerant is True:'removing line %d: "%s"', n + 1, line) nremoved += 1 else: raise ValueError('line {}: {}'.format(n + 1, err)) if nremoved > 0: log.warning('removed %d badly formatted utterances', nremoved)
[docs]def gold(text, separator=Separator()): """Returns a gold text from a phonologized one The returned gold text is the ground-truth segmentation. It has phone and syllable separators removed and word separators replaced by a single space ' '. It is used to evaluate the output of segmentation algorithms. Parameters ---------- text : sequence The input text to be prepared for segmentation. Each element of the sequence is assumed to be a single and complete utterance in valid phonological form. separator : Separator, optional Token separation in the `text` Returns ------- gold_text : generator Gold utterances with separators removed and words separated by spaces. The returned text is the gold version, against which the algorithms are evaluated. """ # delete phone and syllable separators. Replace word boundaries by # a single space. gold = (line.replace(separator.syllable, '') .replace( or '', '') .replace(separator.word, ' ') for line in text) # delete any duplicate, begin or end spaces. As for prepare, we # ignore empty lines. return (line for line in (utils.strip(line) for line in gold) if line)
@utils.CatchExceptions def main(): """Entry point of the 'wordseg-prep' command""" # add a command-specific argument def add_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( '-u', '--unit', type=str, choices=['phone', 'syllable'], default='phone', help=''' output level representation, must be "phone" or "syllable"''') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--tolerant', action='store_true', help='''tolerate the badly formated utterances in input, but ignore them in output (default is to exit on the first encountered error)''') parser.add_argument( '-P', '--punctuation', action='store_true', help='punctuation characters are not considered illegal') group = [g for g in parser._action_groups if g.title == 'input/output arguments'][0] group.add_argument( '-g', '--gold', type=str, metavar='<gold-file>', help='''generates the gold text to the specified file, do not generate gold if no file specified''') # command initialization streamin, streamout, separator, log, args = utils.prepare_main( name='wordseg-prep', description=__doc__, separator=utils.Separator(' ', ';esyll', ';eword'), add_arguments=add_arguments) streamin = list(streamin) log.debug('separator is %s', separator)'preparing the text at {} level'.format(args.unit)) # check all the utterances are correctly formatted. prep = utils.CountingIterator(prepare( streamin, separator, unit=args.unit, log=log, check_punctuation=not args.punctuation, tolerant=args.tolerant)) # write prepared text, one utterance a line, ending with a newline streamout.write('\n'.join(prep) + '\n')'prepared %s utterances', prep.count) if'generating gold text to %s', gold_text = gold(streamin, separator=separator) open(, 'w').write('\n'.join(gold_text) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main()