Source code for tde.measures.grouping

import numpy as np

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from .measures import Measure
from itertools import combinations
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from tde.utils import overlap

[docs]class Grouping(Measure): """Grouping measure The grouping measures how pure the found clusters are, and is close to the 'purity' measure in clustering. See for a summary of all measures. Input :param disc: Discovered Object, contains the discovered elements :param output_folder: string, path to the output folder :param njobs: Number of cpus to be used. Output :param precision: Grouping Precision :param recall: Grouping Recall """ def __init__(self, disc, output_folder=None, njobs=1): self.metric_name = "grouping" self.output_folder = output_folder self.clusters = disc.clusters self.intervals = disc.intervals self.njobs = njobs self.found_pairs = set() self.gold_pairs = set() self.found_types = set() self.gold_types = set() @property def precision(self): if len(self.found_types) == 0: prec = np.nan else: prec = sum(self.found_weights[t] * self.found_gold_counter[t] / self.found_counter[t] for t in self.found_types) return prec @property def recall(self): if len(self.gold_types) == 0: rec = np.nan else: rec = sum(self.gold_weights[t] * self.found_gold_counter[t] / self.gold_counter[t] for t in self.gold_types) return rec #def get_gold_pairs(self): # """ Get all the gold pairs that can be created using the # discovered intervals. # The pairs are ordered by filename and onset. # Input # :param intervals: a list of all the discovered intervals, with # their transcription # Output # :param gold_pairs: a set of all the gold pairs created from the # discovered intervals # :param gold_types: all the types (n-gram) that occur in gold_pairs # """ # counter = Counter() # gold_found_pairs = set() # def _ngram_pairs(pair): # # check if a pair should be kept as gold # # and if it intersects with discovered pairs # f1, f2 = pair # # check if should be kept # if (f1[0] == f2[0] and overlap((f1[1], f1[2]), # (f2[1], f2[2]))[0] > 0): # return (None, False) # # check if discovered # if (f1, f2) in self.found_pairs: # intersection = True # else: # intersection = False # return ((f1, f2), intersection) # # get all discovered intervals # same = defaultdict(set) # for fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram in self.intervals: # # ngram = tuple(ph for on, off, ph in token_ngram) # same[ngram].add((fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram)) # # get all gold pairs # seen_token = set() # # parallelize over all possible pairs # for ngram in same: # _gold_pairs_found = Parallel(n_jobs=self.njobs, backend="threading")( # delayed(_ngram_pairs)(sorted((f1, f2), # key=lambda f: (f[0], f[1]))) # for f1, f2 in combinations(same[ngram], 2)) # _gold_pairs = {pair for pair, found in _gold_pairs_found if pair is not None} # if len(_gold_pairs) > 0: # self.gold_types.add(ngram) # _intersection = {pair for pair, found in _gold_pairs_found if found == True} # gold_found_pairs = gold_found_pairs.union(_intersection) # # update counters # for f1, f2 in _gold_pairs: # if f1[3] not in seen_token: # counter.update((f1[4],)) # # count token as seen # seen_token.add(f1[3]) # if f2[3] not in seen_token: # counter.update((f2[4],)) # seen_token.add(f2[3]) # # compute weights for each n gram # weights = {ngram: counter[ngram]/len(seen_token) for ngram in counter} # # return gold_found_pairs, counter, weights #def get_gold_pairs_buggy(self): # """ Get all the gold pairs that can be created using the # discovered intervals. # The pairs are ordered by filename and onset. # Input # :param intervals: a list of all the discovered intervals, with # their transcription # Output # :param gold_pairs: a set of all the gold pairs created from the # discovered intervals # :param gold_types: all the types (n-gram) that occur in gold_pairs # """ # def _ngram_pairs(ngram_list): # ngram_pairs = [tuple(sorted((f1, f2), key= lambda f:(f[0], f[1]))) # for f1, f2 in combinations(ngram_list, 2) # if not (f1[0] == f2[0] # and overlap((f1[1], f1[2]), # (f2[1], f2[2]))[0] > 0)] # return ngram_pairs # same = defaultdict(set) # for fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram in self.intervals: # # ngram = tuple(ph for on, off, ph in token_ngram) # same[ngram].add((fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram)) # # add gold pair as tuple if both elements don't overlap # gold_pairs = { # tuple(sorted((f1, f2), key=lambda f: (f[0], f[1]))) # for ngram in same # for f1, f2 in combinations(same[ngram], 2) # if not (f1[0] == f2[0] # and overlap((f1[1], f1[2]), # (f2[1], f2[2]))[0] > 0)} # #gold_pairs = Parallel(n_jobs=15)(delayed(_ngram_pairs)(same[ngram]) for ngram in same) # gold_types = {f1[4] for f1, f2 in self.gold_pairs} # return gold_pairs, gold_types
[docs] def get_gold_pairs(self): """ Get all the gold pairs that can be created using the discovered intervals. The pairs are ordered by filename and onset. Input :param intervals: a list of all the discovered intervals, with their transcription Output :param gold_pairs: a set of all the gold pairs created from the discovered intervals :param gold_types: all the types (n-gram) that occur in gold_pairs """ same = defaultdict(set) for fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram in self.intervals: # ngram = tuple(ph for on, off, ph in token_ngram) same[ngram].add((fname, disc_on, disc_off, token_ngram, ngram)) # add gold pair as tuple if both elements don't overlap self.gold_pairs = { tuple(sorted((f1, f2), key=lambda f: (f[0], f[1]))) for ngram in same for f1, f2 in combinations(same[ngram], 2) if not (f1[0] == f2[0] and overlap((f1[1], f1[2]), (f2[1], f2[2]))[0] > 0)} self.gold_types = {f1[4] for f1, f2 in self.gold_pairs}
[docs] def get_found_pairs(self): """ Get all the pairs that were found. The pairs are ordered by filename and onset. Input :param clusters: a dict of all the clusters found. the keys are the clusters names, the values are a list of the intervals in this cluster Output :param found_pairs: a set of all the discovered pairs """ for class_nb in self.clusters: self.found_pairs = self.found_pairs.union( set(combinations(self.clusters[class_nb], 2))) # count type only if clusters has two elements if len(self.clusters[class_nb]) > 1 : self.found_types = self.found_types.union( {ngram for _, _, _, token_ngram, ngram in self.clusters[class_nb]}) # order found pairs self.found_pairs = { tuple(sorted((f1, f2), key=lambda f: (f[0], f[1]))) for f1, f2 in self.found_pairs}
[docs] @staticmethod def get_weights(pairs): """ For each type get its weight Input :params pairs: a set containing pairs of intervals, stored as (filename, onset, offset, token_ngram, ngram), where token_ngram is the ngram with the timestamps of each of its phone, and ngram is just a tuple of all the phones Output :return: weights, a dict that for each type (i.e. ngram) gives its weight, which is computed as number_of_tokens(ngram)/total_number_of_seen_tokens counter, a dict that for each type (i.e. ngram) gives the number of tokens of this ngram in the pairs. """ # count occurences or each interval in pairs for frequency counter = Counter() seen_token = set() for f1, f2 in pairs: if f1[3] not in seen_token: counter.update((f1[4],)) # count token as seen seen_token.add(f1[3]) if f2[3] not in seen_token: counter.update((f2[4],)) seen_token.add(f2[3]) weights = {ngram: counter[ngram]/len(seen_token) for ngram in counter} return weights, counter
[docs] def compute_grouping(self): """ Compute the grouping by essentially counting the number of tokens of each type in three sets: the set of gold pairs, the set of found pairs, and the intersection of gold pairs and found pairs """ self.get_gold_pairs() self.get_found_pairs() gold_found_pairs = self.found_pairs.intersection(self.gold_pairs) self.gold_weights, self.gold_counter = self.get_weights( self.gold_pairs) ## get intersection of discovered pairs and gold pairs ## and count occurences and weights for gold pairs #gold_found_pairs, self.gold_counter, self.gold_weights = self.get_gold_pairs() # count occurences and weights for found pairs self.found_weights, self.found_counter = self.get_weights( self.found_pairs) # count occurences and weights for intersection of gold and # found pairs _, self.found_gold_counter = self.get_weights(gold_found_pairs)