Source code for shennong.features.serializers

"""Saves and loads features collections to/from various file formats

The following table shows the obtained file size, writing and reading
times on MFCC features computed on the `Zero Resource Speech
Challenge 2019 <>`_ train database
(English, about 26 hours of speech and 10k files):

===========  =========  =========  ============  ============
File format  Extension  File size  Writing time  Reading time
===========  =========  =========  ============  ============
h5features   .h5f       562.9 MB   0:00:20       0:00:08
pickle       .pkl       609.8 MB   0:00:08       0:00:06
numpy        .npz       582.8 MB   0:02:07       0:00:19
matlab       .mat       481.8 MB   0:00:58       0:00:13
kaldi        .ark       927.8 MB   0:00:10       0:00:15
JSON         .json      6.3 GB     0:11:34       1:04:25
===========  =========  =========  ============  ============


import abc
import copy
import os
import pickle

import h5features
import json_tricks
import kaldi.matrix
import kaldi.util.table
import numpy as np
import scipy

from shennong.utils import get_logger, array2list

[docs]def supported_extensions(): """Returns the list of file extensions to save/load features Returns ------- serializers : dict File extensions mapped to their related serializer class """ return { '.npz': NumpySerializer, '.mat': MatlabSerializer, '.json': JsonSerializer, '.pkl': PickleSerializer, '.h5f': H5featuresSerializer, '.ark': KaldiSerializer}
[docs]def supported_serializers(): """Returns the list of file format serializers to save/load features Returns ------- serializers : dict Serializers names mapped to their related class """ return { 'numpy': NumpySerializer, 'matlab': MatlabSerializer, 'json': JsonSerializer, 'pickle': PickleSerializer, 'h5features': H5featuresSerializer, 'kaldi': KaldiSerializer}
[docs]def get_serializer(cls, filename, serializer=None): """Returns the file serializer from filename extension or serializer name Parameters ---------- cls : class Must be :class:`shennong.features.FeaturesCollection`, this is a tweak to avoid circular imports filename : str The file to be handled (load or save) serializer : str, optional If not None must be one of the :func:`supported_serializers`, if not specified, guess the serializer from the `filename` extension using :func:`supported_extensions`. Returns ------- serializer : instance of :class:`FeaturesSerializer` The guessed serializer class, a child class of :class:`FeaturesSerializer`. Raises ------ ValueError If the serializer class cannot be guessed, or if `cls` is not :class:`~shennong.features.FeaturesCollection` """ if cls.__name__ != 'FeaturesCollection': raise ValueError( 'The `cls` parameter must be shennong.features.FeaturesCollection') if serializer is None: # guess serializer from file extension ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: raise ValueError('no extension nor serializer name specified') try: serializer = supported_extensions()[ext] except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'invalid extension {}, must be in {}'.format( ext, list(supported_extensions().keys()))) else: try: serializer = supported_serializers()[serializer] except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'invalid serializer {}, must be in {}'.format( serializer, list(supported_serializers().keys()))) return serializer(cls, filename)
[docs]class FeaturesSerializer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class of a features file serializer This class must be specialized to handle a given file type. Parameters ---------- cls : class Must be :class:`shennong.features.FeaturesCollection`, this is a tweak to avoid circular imports filename : str The file to save/load features to/from """ _log = get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, cls, filename): self._features_collection = cls self._features = self._features_collection._value_type self._filename = filename @property def filename(self): return self._filename @abc.abstractmethod def _save(self, features): # pragma: nocover pass @abc.abstractmethod def _load(self): # pragma: nocover pass
[docs] def load(self, **kwargs): """Returns a collection of features from the `filename` Returns ------- features : :class:`~shennong.features.FeaturesCollection` The features stored in the file. kwargs : optional Optional supplementary arguments, specific to each serializer. Raises ------ IOError If the input file does not exist or cannot be read. ValueError If the features cannot be loaded from the file or are not in a valid state. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): raise IOError('file not found: {}'.format(self.filename)) if not os.access(self.filename, os.R_OK): raise IOError('file not readable: {}'.format(self.filename)) features = self._load(**kwargs) if not features.is_valid(): raise ValueError( 'features not valid in file: {}'.format(self.filename)) return features
[docs] def save(self, features, **kwargs): """Saves a collection of `features` to a file Parameters ---------- features : :class:`~shennong.features.FeaturesCollection` The features to store in the file. kwargs : optional Optional supplementary arguments, specific to each serializer. Raises ------ IOError If the output file already exists. ValueError If the features cannot be saved to the file, are not in a valid state or are not an instance of :class:`~shennong.features.FeaturesCollection`. """ if os.path.isfile(self.filename): raise IOError('file already exists: {}'.format(self.filename)) if not isinstance(features, self._features_collection): raise ValueError( 'features must be {} but are {}' .format( self._features_collection.__name__, features.__class__.__name__)) if not features.is_valid(): raise ValueError('features are not valid') self._save(features, **kwargs)
[docs]class NumpySerializer(FeaturesSerializer): """Saves and loads features to/from the numpy '.npz' format""" def _save(self, features, compress=True):'writing %s', self.filename) # represent the features as dictionaries data = {k: v._to_dict() for k, v in features.items()} # save (and optionally compress) the features save = np.savez_compressed if compress is True else np.savez save(open(self.filename, 'wb'), features=data, allow_pickle=True) def _load(self):'loading %s', self.filename) data = np.load( open(self.filename, 'rb'), allow_pickle=True)['features'].tolist() features = self._features_collection() for k, v in data.items(): features[k] = self._features._from_dict(v, validate=False) return features
[docs]class MatlabSerializer(FeaturesSerializer): """Saves and loads features to/from the matlab '.mat' format""" def _save(self, features, compress=True):'writing %s', self.filename) # represent the features as dictionaries data = {k: v._to_dict() for k, v in features.items()} # print(data['test']['properties']) # save (and optionally compress) the features self.filename, data, long_field_names=True, appendmat=False, do_compression=compress) def _load(self):'loading %s', self.filename) data = self._check_keys( self.filename, appendmat=False, squeeze_me=True, mat_dtype=True, struct_as_record=False)) features = self._features_collection() for k, v in data.items(): if k not in ('__header__', '__version__', '__globals__'): features[k] = self._features( v['data'], v['times'], self._make_list(self._check_keys(v['properties'])), validate=False) return features @staticmethod def _check_keys(d): """Checks if entries in dictionary are mat-objects. If yes todict is called to change them to nested dictionaries. From """ for key in d: if isinstance(d[key], d[key] = MatlabSerializer._todict(d[key]) elif isinstance(d[key], (list, np.ndarray)): d[key] = [MatlabSerializer._todict(dd) for dd in d[key]] return d @staticmethod def _todict(matobj): """Constructs from matobjects nested dictionaries From """ d = {} for strg in matobj._fieldnames: elem = matobj.__dict__[strg] if isinstance(elem, d[strg] = MatlabSerializer._todict(elem) else: d[strg] = elem return d @staticmethod def _make_list(properties): if 'pipeline' in properties: # matlab format collapse a list of a single element into # that element, we need to rebuild that list here if isinstance(properties['pipeline'], list): properties['pipeline'] = [ array2list(p) for p in properties['pipeline']] else: properties['pipeline'] = [ array2list(properties['pipeline'])] return properties
[docs]class JsonSerializer(FeaturesSerializer): """Saves and loads features to/from the JSON format""" def _save(self, features):'writing %s', self.filename) open(self.filename, 'wt').write(json_tricks.dumps(features, indent=4)) def _load(self):'loading %s', self.filename) return self._features_collection( json_tricks.loads(open(self.filename, 'r').read()))
[docs]class PickleSerializer(FeaturesSerializer): """Saves and loads features to/from the Python pickle format""" def _save(self, features):'writing %s', self.filename) with open(self.filename, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(features, fh) def _load(self): with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fh: return pickle.load(fh)
[docs]class H5featuresSerializer(FeaturesSerializer): """Saves and loads features to/from the h5features format""" def _save(self, features, groupname='features', compression='lzf', chunk_size='auto'):'writing %s', self.filename) # we safely use append mode as we are sure at this point the # file does not exist (from with h5features.Writer( self.filename, mode='a', chunk_size=chunk_size, compression=compression) as writer: # append the feature in the file one by one (this avoid to # duplicate the whole collection in memory, which can # cause MemoryError on big datasets). for k, v in features.items(): data = h5features.Data( [k], [v.times], [], properties=[]) writer.write(data, groupname=groupname, append=True) def _load(self, groupname='features'):'loading %s', self.filename) data = h5features.Reader(self.filename, groupname=groupname).read() features = self._features_collection() for n in range(len(data.items())): features[data.items()[n]] = self._features( data.features()[n], data.labels()[n],[n], validate=False) return features
[docs]class KaldiSerializer(FeaturesSerializer): def __init__(self, cls, filename): super().__init__(cls, filename) # make sure the filename extension is '.ark' filename_split = os.path.splitext(self.filename) if filename_split[1] != '.ark': raise ValueError( 'when saving to Kaldi ark format, the file extension must be ' '".ark", it is "{}"'.format(filename_split[1])) self._fileroot = filename_split[0] def _save(self, features, scp=False): # writing features ark = self._fileroot + '.ark' if scp: scp = self._fileroot + '.scp''writing %s and %s', ark, scp) wspecifier = 'ark,scp:' + ark + ',' + scp else:'writing %s', ark) wspecifier = 'ark:' + ark with kaldi.util.table.DoubleMatrixWriter(wspecifier) as writer: for k, v in features.items(): writer[k] = kaldi.matrix.DoubleSubMatrix( # writing times ark = self._fileroot + '.times.ark' if scp: scp = self._fileroot + '.times.scp''writing %s and %s', ark, scp) wspecifier = 'ark,scp:' + ark + ',' + scp else:'writing %s', ark) wspecifier = 'ark:' + ark with kaldi.util.table.DoubleMatrixWriter(wspecifier) as writer: for k, v in features.items(): # in case times are 1d, we force them to 2d so they # can be wrote as kaldi matrices (we do the reverse # 2d->1d on loading). We are copying the array to # avoid a bug on macos. writer[k] = kaldi.matrix.DoubleSubMatrix( np.atleast_2d(v.times).copy()) # writing properties. As we are writing double arrays, we need # to track the original dtype of features in the properties, # to ensure equality on load filename = self._fileroot + '.properties.json''writing %s', filename) data = {k: copy.deepcopy( for k, v in features.items()} for k, v in data.items(): data[k]['__dtype_data__'] = str(features[k].dtype) data[k]['__dtype_times__'] = str(features[k].times.dtype) open(filename, 'wt').write(json_tricks.dumps(data, indent=4)) def _load(self): # loading properties filename = self._fileroot + '.properties.json''loading %s', filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('file not found: {}'.format(filename)) properties = json_tricks.loads(open(filename, 'r').read()) # loading times ark = self._fileroot + '.times.ark''loading %s', ark) if not os.path.isfile(ark): raise IOError('file not found: {}'.format(ark)) rspecifier = 'ark:' + ark with kaldi.util.table.SequentialDoubleMatrixReader( rspecifier) as reader: times = {k: v.numpy() for k, v in reader} # postprocess times: do 2d->1d if they are 1d vectors for k, v in times.items(): if v.shape[0] == 1: times[k] = v.reshape((v.shape[1])) # loading features ark = self._fileroot + '.ark''loading %s', ark) # rspecifier = 'ark,scp:' + ark + ',' + scp rspecifier = 'ark:' + ark with kaldi.util.table.SequentialDoubleMatrixReader( rspecifier) as reader: data = {k: v.numpy() for k, v in reader} if properties.keys() != data.keys(): raise ValueError( 'invalid features: items differ in data and properties') if times.keys() != data.keys(): raise ValueError( 'invalid features: items differ in data and times') return self._features_collection( **{k: self._features( data[k].astype(properties[k]['__dtype_data__']), times[k].astype(properties[k]['__dtype_times__']), properties={ k: p for k, p in properties[k].items() if '__dtype_' not in k}, validate=False) for k in data.keys()})