======= Install ======= Latest release ============== Install the package with pip: .. code-block:: console $ pip install fastabx fastabx requires Python 3.12 or later, and PyTorch 2.6.0 [#torch]_ (with CUDA 12.4 on Linux and Windows). The pinned PyTorch version is the one available on PyPI. fastabx is available on Linux x86-64 (with glibc 2.34 or later [#glibc]_), macOS arm64, and Windows x86-64. Build from source ================= 1. Clone the repository: .. code-block:: console $ git clone git@github.com/bootphon/fastabx.git $ cd fastabx 2. Run the following command to build a wheel with ``uv``: .. code-block:: console $ uv build --wheel .. note:: On Linux and macOS, make sure to have ``CXX=g++``. If you want to build with CUDA support, you must have the CUDA toolkit installed and set the ``CUDA_HOME`` environment variable. If you are on a cluster with a module system, you can probably load the ``cuda/12.4`` module. Footnotes --------- .. [#torch] The DTW relies on the C++ API of PyTorch which has no API/ABI compatibility between releases. This means you have to have to use the exact version of PyTorch this package was compiled against. .. [#glibc] The glibc constraint is due to the runners available in GitHub CI. If you build from source, you can use the lowest version of glibc supported by PyTorch.