# make sure the rest of the ABXpy package is accessible
import ABXpy.sideop.side_operations_manager as side_operations_manager
import ABXpy.dbfun.dbfun_compute as dbfun_compute
import ABXpy.dbfun.dbfun_lookuptable as dbfun_lookuptable
import ABXpy.dbfun.dbfun_column as dbfun_column
import numpy as np
[docs]class FilterManager(side_operations_manager.SideOperationsManager):
"""Manage the filters on attributes (on, across, by) or elements (A, B, X)
for further processing"""
def __init__(self, db_hierarchy, on, across, by, filters):
self, db_hierarchy, on, across, by)
# this case is specific to filters, it applies a generic filter to the
# database before considering A, B and X stuff.
self.generic = []
# associate each of the provided filters to the appropriate point in
# the computation flow
# filt can be: the name of a column of the database (possibly
# extended), the name of lookup file, the name of a script, a script
# under the form of a string (that doesnt end by .dbfun...)
for filt in filters:
# instantiate appropriate dbfun
if filt in self.extended_cols: # column already in db
db_fun = dbfun_column.DBfun_Column(filt, indexed=False)
# evaluate context is wasteful in this case... not even
# necessary to have a dbfun at all
elif len(filt) >= 6 and filt[-6:] == '.dbfun': # lookup table
# ask for re-interpreted indexed outputs
db_fun = dbfun_lookuptable.DBfun_LookupTable(
filt, indexed=False)
else: # on the fly computation
db_fun = dbfun_compute.DBfun_Compute(filt, self.extended_cols)
[docs] def classify_generic(self, elements, db_fun, db_variables):
# check if there are only non-extended names and, only if this is the
# case, instantiate 'generic' field of db_variables
if {s for r, s in elements} == set(['']):
db_variables['generic'] = set(elements)
elements = {}
return elements, db_variables
[docs] def by_filter(self, by_values):
return singleton_filter(self.evaluate_by(by_values))
[docs] def generic_filter(self, by_values, db):
return db.iloc[vectorial_filter(lambda context: self.evaluate_generic(by_values, db, context), np.arange(len(db)))]
[docs] def on_across_by_filter(self, on_across_by_values):
return singleton_filter(self.evaluate_on_across_by(on_across_by_values))
[docs] def A_filter(self, on_across_by_values, db, indices):
# Caution: indices contains db-related indices
# but the returned result contains indices with respect to indices
indices_ind = np.arange(len(indices))
return vectorial_filter(lambda context: self.evaluate_A(on_across_by_values, db, indices, context), indices_ind)
[docs] def B_filter(self, on_across_by_values, db, indices):
# Caution: indices contains db-related indices
# but the returned result contains indices with respect to indices
indices_ind = np.arange(len(indices))
return vectorial_filter(lambda context: self.evaluate_B(on_across_by_values, db, indices, context), indices_ind)
[docs] def X_filter(self, on_across_by_values, db, indices):
# Caution: indices contains db-related indices
# but the returned result contains indices with respect to indices
indices_ind = np.arange(len(indices))
return vectorial_filter(lambda context: self.evaluate_X(on_across_by_values, db, indices, context), indices_ind)
[docs] def ABX_filter(self, on_across_by_values, db, triplets):
# triplets contains db-related indices
# the returned result contains indices with respect to triplets
indices = np.arange(len(triplets))
return vectorial_filter(lambda context: self.evaluate_ABX(on_across_by_values, db, triplets, context), indices)
[docs]def singleton_filter(generator):
keep = True
for result in generator:
if not(result):
keep = False
return keep
[docs]def vectorial_filter(generator, indices):
.. note:: To allow a lazy evaluation of the filter, the context is filtered
explicitly which acts on the generator by a side-effect (dict being
mutable in python)
kept = np.array(indices)
context = {}
for result in generator(context):
still_up = np.where(result)[0]
kept = kept[still_up]
for var in context:
# keep testing only the case that are still possibly True
context[var] = [context[var][e] for e in still_up]
# FIXME wouldn't using only numpy arrays be more performant ?
if not(kept.size):
return kept