#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module is used for computing the score of a task (see `task Module`_ on
how to create a task)
This module contains the actual computation of the score. It requires a task
and a distance, and redirect the output in a score file.
The main function takes a distance file and a task file as input to compute
the score of the task on those distances. X closer to A is associated with
a score of 1 and X closer to B with score of -1.
The distances between pairs in the distance file must be ordered the same
way as the pairs in the task file, and the triplet score int the output
file will be ordered the same way as the triplets in the task file.
Form the command line:
.. code-block:: bash
python score.py data.abx data.distance data.score
In python:
.. code-block:: python
import ABXpy.task
import ABXpy.score
# create a new task:
myTask = ABXpy.task.Task('data.item', 'on_feature', 'across_feature', \
'by_feature', filters=my_filters, regressors=my_regressors)
#initialise distance
#TODO shouldn't this be available from score
# calculate the scores:
ABXpy.score('data.abx', 'myDistance.???', 'data.score')
import argparse
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os
import ABXpy.h5tools.h52np as h52np
import ABXpy.misc.type_fitting as type_fitting
# FIXME: include distance computation here
[docs]def score(task_file, distance_file, score_file=None, score_group='scores'):
"""Calculate the score of a task and put the results in a hdf5 file.
task_file : string
The hdf5 file containing the task (with the triplets and pairs
distance_file : string
The hdf5 file containing the distances between the pairs
score_file : string, optional
The hdf5 file that will contain the results
if score_file is None:
(basename_task, _) = os.path.splitext(task_file)
(basename_dist, _) = os.path.splitext(distance_file)
score_file = basename_task + '_' + basename_dist + '.score'
# file verification:
assert os.path.exists(task_file), 'Cannot find task file ' + task_file
assert os.path.exists(distance_file), ('Cannot find distance file ' +
assert not os.path.exists(score_file), ('score file already exist ' +
# with h5py.File(task_file) as t:
# bys = [by for by in t['triplets']]
# FIXME skip empty by datasets, this should not be necessary anymore when
# empty datasets are filtered at the task file generation level
with h5py.File(task_file, 'r') as t:
bys = t['bys'][...]
# bys = t['feat_dbs'].keys()
n_triplets = t['triplets']['data'].shape[0]
with h5py.File(score_file, 'w') as s:
s.create_dataset('scores', (n_triplets, 1), dtype=np.int8)
for n_by, by in enumerate(bys):
with h5py.File(task_file, 'r') as t, h5py.File(distance_file, 'r') as d:
trip_attrs = t['triplets']['by_index'][n_by]
pair_attrs = t['unique_pairs'].attrs[by]
# FIXME here we make the assumption
# that this fits into memory ...
dis = d['distances']['data'][pair_attrs[1]:pair_attrs[2]][...]
dis = np.reshape(dis, dis.shape[0])
# FIXME idem + only unique_pairs used ?
pairs = t['unique_pairs']['data'][pair_attrs[1]:pair_attrs[2]][...]
pairs = np.reshape(pairs, pairs.shape[0])
base = pair_attrs[0]
pair_key_type = type_fitting.fit_integer_type((base) ** 2 - 1,
with h52np.H52NP(task_file) as t:
inp = t.add_subdataset('triplets', 'data', indexes=trip_attrs)
idx_start = trip_attrs[0]
for triplets in inp:
triplets = pair_key_type(triplets)
idx_end = idx_start + triplets.shape[0]
pairs_AX = triplets[:, 0] + base * triplets[:, 2]
# FIXME change the encoding (and type_fitting) so that
# A,B and B,A have the same code ... (take a=min(a,b),
# b=max(a,b))
pairs_BX = triplets[:, 1] + base * triplets[:, 2]
dis_AX = dis[np.searchsorted(pairs, pairs_AX)]
dis_BX = dis[np.searchsorted(pairs, pairs_BX)]
scores = (np.int8(dis_AX < dis_BX) -
np.int8(dis_AX > dis_BX))
# 1 if X closer to A, -1 if X closer to B, 0 if equal
# distance (this doesn't use 0, 1/2, 1 to use the
# compact np.int8 data format)
s['scores'][idx_start:idx_end] = np.reshape(scores, (-1, 1))
idx_start = idx_end
[docs]def main():
# parser (the usage string is specified explicitly because the default
# does not show that the mandatory arguments must come before the mandatory
# ones; otherwise parsing is not possible beacause optional arguments can
# have various numbers of inputs)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s task distance [score]",
description='ABX score computation')
# I/O files
g1 = parser.add_argument_group('I/O files')
g1.add_argument('task', help='task file generated by the task module, \
containing the triplets and the pairs associated to the task \
g1.add_argument('distance', help='distance file generated by the distance \
package, containing the distance between the pairs of a task')
g1.add_argument('score', nargs='?', default=None, help='optional: score \
file, where the results of the computation will be put')
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.path.exists(args.score):
print("Warning: overwriting score file {}".format(args.score))
score(args.task, args.distance, args.score)
if __name__ == '__main__':